David Cameron softens on EU budget
David Cameron is preparing to retreat on pledges to cut the European Union budget and accept a deal that would increase British taxpayers’ contribution by at least £435 million.
By James Kirkup and Bruno Waterfield
Published: 8:52AM BST 28 Oct 2010
Translation by Autumnson Blog

外交官說卡梅倫處於一個有力的談判位置,因為德法計劃重寫歐盟的規則,以支持陷入困境的歐元區 圖文:PA
The Prime Minister last week promised to fight plans to increase the European Commission’s budget by 5.9 per cent and said its 2011 budget should be frozen or cut.
Last night, however, British sources conceded that the £107 billion EU budget will rise by at least £3.15 billion in 2011, with Britain’s share set to grow by £435 million.
The budget deal, to be discussed at a Brussels summit today, is likely to trigger protests from many Conservative MPs, who want a cut in Britain’s payments to Europe.
The European Parliament has angered voters and EU leaders by demanding a 5.9 per cent rise in the European Commission budget for 2011.
歐洲議會已激怒了選民和歐盟領導人,以要求在 2011年的歐洲委員會預算上升百分之5.9。
Mr Cameron said at the weekend he would fight that plan and insisted that the 2011 budget deal “should be a freeze or a cut.”
But British sources last night conceded that the UK is bound by an agreement with other EU leaders for the budget to rise by at least 2.9 per cent.
“We cannot get anything less than 2.9 per cent. Of course we’re not happy about that, but there’s nothing we can do,” said a Government source.
The stark warnings raised suspicions that Downing Street was trying to downplay expectations over the budget, and no formal agreement is expected until next month.
Mr Cameron’s last hope of blocking the budget increase lies in a deal with France and Germany at this week’s summit.
British officials said that Angela Merkel of Germany and Nicolas Sarkozy of France may yet be persuaded to back Mr Cameron in seeking a budget increase of less than 2.9 per cent.
Diplomats said Mr Cameron is in a powerful bargaining position because of Franco-German plans to rewrite the EU’s rules to support the struggling Eurozone.
Changing EU treaties to allow a new bailout mechanism for Euro countries would require British consent
Minister for Europe David Liddington said the Prime Minister would be concentrating on trying to persuade fellow leaders of the importance of the budget issue.
Mr Liddington told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: "What he's going to be focusing on is saying that whether it's 2011 or the more important long-term deal over the European budget, this is really something that deserves the highest priority among the leaders of all member states."
Peter Lilley, a former Cabinet minister, said that the talks on changing the treaties gave Mr Cameron an “ideal opportunity” demand a high price for British support.
In the Commons, he challenged ministers to promise that “support will not be given without obtaining concessions in return, that we will not give that support without demanding a price”.
Mr Cameron spoke to Mrs Merkel and Mr Sarkozy by telephone yesterday.
Government sources said that Mr Cameron will only agree to the Franco-German plan for new EU rules in exchange for support over the EU budget.
As well the 2011 budget, EU leaders are about to begin wider talks on the budget for 2014-20, where Britain’s £3 billion annual rebate will come under pressure.
In a move that is likely to inflame the debate over the EU budget, Baroness Ashton, Europe’s foreign minister, yesterday announced that she would be renting new Brussels offices at a cost of £10.5 million a year to house her new European diplomatic corps from next spring.