New Hidden Missile System Unknown To Feds
Posted: 5:25 pm EDT October 28, 2010
Updated: 8:10 am EDT October 29, 2010
Translation by Autumnson Blog
ATLANTA -- A Russian weapons company is marketing a new missile system that is hidden inside an ordinary shipping container. It can turn a ship, train or truck into a long range missile launcher. Channel Two Action News anchor Justin Farmer investigated the threat and found officials at the Port of Savannah had never heard of the Club K Missile system.
亞特蘭大 - 一間俄羅斯武器公司正在推廣一種新的導彈系統,它是隱藏在一個普通的貨櫃箱中,它可以變一隻船、火車或貨車成為一座遠程導彈發射架。第二頻道的新聞主播賈斯汀花瑪調查那威脅,和發現在薩凡納港的官員從來沒有聽說過K導彈系統俱樂部。

It sounds like something out of a James Bond movie. A hidden cruise missile that can transform a shipping container into a missile launcher. The problem is it's real and a Russian weapons company is advertising it for sale to anyone who has the cash to pay for it. Channel Two Action News went to the Port of Savannah to find out how the feds are combating this potential threat. They did not even know about it, until Farmer told them.
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