As bug spreads, Ugandans watch their flesh rot away
Posted: Oct. 24, 2010
Scary disease outbreak
Translation by Autumnson Blog

一名在烏干達東部的40歲男子展示手和腳被似跳蚤的吸血沙蚤的侵擾。至少20名烏干達人已死亡,和在短短兩個月有超過20,000人已是患病。烏干達政府已撥款 100萬美元對抗疫情。 (葛輝 OLUKYA /美聯社)
A disease with progression and symptoms that seem straight out of a horror movie has killed at least 20 Ugandans and sickened more than 20,000 in just two months.
一種有惡化和症狀的疾病,看似直接出自一部恐怖電影,已殺死至少20名烏干達人和在短短兩個月使患病超過 20,000人。
Jiggers, small insects that look like fleas, are the culprits in the epidemic, which causes parts of the body to rot. They often enter through the feet. Once inside a human, they suck blood and multiply by the hundreds. Affected body parts -- buttocks, lips, even eyelids -- rot away.
小昆蟲類看似跳蚤的沙蚤,是疫情的被告,它們導致身體各部分腐爛。他們往往穿入腳,一旦進入人體內,他們吸血和乘以數百。受影響的身體部位 - 臀部、嘴唇、甚至眼皮 - 會爛掉。
James Kakooza, Uganda's minister of state for primary health care, said jiggers can easily kill young children and cause early deaths in grown-ups with other diseases.
The parasitic disease, named tungiasis, also exists in parts of Latin America and the Caribbean.
這寄生蟲病命名為 tungiasis,亦存在於拉丁美洲和加勒比地區的部分。
Some affected people in rural Uganda, such as Dakaba Kaala, 60, say they are bewitched and simply wait to die.
"I lost two children killed by jiggers," she said. "They were sent to me by my neighbor who wants to grab my piece of land."
The disease can be treated by removing the insect or with topical medication. Uganda's government has allocated $1 million to fight the epidemic.
河南“蜱虫咬人”無形體病已在6省市發現 18例死亡
我國科學家發現新型病毒 系蜱虫叮咬致病病毒
江蘇兩人被蜱虫咬死 疾控中心稱不會現高致死率