Riki Ott: ‘People Now Dropping Dead’ In the Gulf
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Shepard Ambellas
The Intel Hub
Translation by Autumnson Blog

On the sixth month anniversary of the oil disaster in the gulf, we are still seeing a total media blackout.
The people particularly in Grand Isle have been poisoned by genocidal tyrants that care more about their pocketbooks than they care about human life or mother earth.
According to Riki Ott: "The people that did evacuate (the gulf) are glad they did. And for good reason.”
She went on to state that deaths from the disaster are now a reality:
Riki said during an interview ” I am dealing with about 3-4 autopsies right now… I know of people who’s esophagus’ are de-solving, disintegrating… I know of people with 4.75% of their lung capacity, with enlarged hearts… All of these people have oil in their bodies.”
裡基在受訪時說:“我現在正在處理約 3-4個解剖...我識得人他們的食道'是消溶的,碎裂中...我識得人他們的肺活量只有4.75%、心臟增大...所有這些人都有油在他們的身體上。“
It has been well documented that millions of gallons of toxic dispersants have been sprayed into the Gulf of Mexico; including near beaches, population centers, people, and boats.
The gulf oil spill is admittedly a Dept. of Defense operation as reported on by the Army Times and the Intel Hub early on.
Multiple C-130′s, military and Coast Guard, along with various types of Evergreen Air aircraft and boats have been used to carry out this deadly genocidal spraying operation in and around the region.
多個 C - 130的、軍事和海岸警衛隊,以及各種型號的常青航空飛機和船隻,已被用來進行這致命的種族滅絕噴灑行動在周圍的地區。
Boats equipped to spray have also been spotted and well documented by journalists such as Dahr Jamail. There have been reports of out of state contractors and military conducting the marine spraying operations in the region.
Reports are circulating of deaths, along with people finding VOC’s in their blood stream along with high levels of other toxins. The reports also include dizziness and typical symptoms from chemical exposure.
Unfortunately the regions economy was devastated along with the local fishing industry. People have been loosing their medical insurance and more as they are overwhelmed with financial and toxic doom.
Groups such as Project Gulf Impact and even some law firms are extending a helping hand to people in need.
One of the most unreported cases of murder, corruption and poisoning is taking place and being carried out right here on American soil before our very own eyes as the sleeping masses escape reality due to corporate media control.
Riki Ott on the Gulf of Mexico environment,"We are running out of time" part 1
Riki Ott on the Gulf: "These people have oil in their bodies." 2/3
在海灣的裡基奧特:“這些人有油在他們的身體上。” 2/3
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