

Scientists: Sun's approaching 'Grand Cooling" assures new Ice Age

by Terrence Aym
February 18, 2011
Translation by Autumnson Blog

NASA and the ESA agree, and so does the Russian space agency, Roscosmos—the sun is headed for a Grand Solar Minimum and a Grand Cooling will commence.
The aptly named Grand Cooling is exactly what it implies: the sun is going to cool. That cooling will also cool off the Earth. It will last from 30 to 50 years.
適當地命名的全冷卻正是它名字的含義:太陽正在走向冷卻,那冷卻亦將令地球降溫,將持續 30至50年。
What exactly does global cooling mean? Well for one, Al Gore was sure wrong! The Earth isn't going to warm, it's going to get colder. Much colder. So cold a little or full-blown Ice Age will ensue. As a matter of fact, some scientists claim we're already in the early stages of an Ice Age.
Maybe the Nobel Committee and the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences should ask Mr. Gore to return his awards.
Dutch Professor Cees de Jager, a prominent astronomer and solar expert, forcefully asserts that we the world is indeed entering for a long period of very low solar activity. The professor and his colleagues are certain Earth is heading for a "long Grand Minimum"—defined as either a Solar Wolf-Gleissberg or a Maunder Minimum—"not shorter than a century." His 2010 paper, "The forthcoming Grand Minimum of solar activity," outlined the extended period of time that the diminished solar radiation would affect the Earth.
荷蘭教授塞斯代雅格是一位突出的天文學家和太陽能專家,有力地斷言,我們的世界確實是在進入一個非常低太陽活動的長週期。教授和他的同事們都肯定地球正朝向一次“長的大最低”- 定義為不是太陽沃爾夫 Gleissberg就是蒙德最小 -“不短於一世紀。”他的2010年論文“即將來臨的太陽活動的大最低,”概述該延長時段減少的太陽輻射會影響地球。
The Maunder minimum lasted from 1645 to 1715. It was marked by a period of general cooling over the entire planet. The Minimum coincided with the coldest year of the Little Ice Age.
The astron omer, formerly the head of the Utrecht University Observatory in the Netherlands, has laid out the basis for the upcoming Ice Age.
Another very respected scientist, the late Dr. Theodor Landscheid, founder of the Schroeter Institute for Research in Cycles of Solar Activity in Waldmuenchen, Germany, was considered a giant in the field of climate research.
另一位非常受尊敬的科學家,已故的西奧多 Landscheid博士及德國Waldmuenchen施羅特太陽活動週期研究研究所的創辦人,被認為是氣候研究界的巨人。
A prodigious author of many research papers, leader of studies, and the author of several books, Landscheidt investigated the Gleissberg Minimum. He rejected the now proven flawed science of anthropogenic global warming and even the concept of long-term global warming itself.
一位很多研究論文的驚人作者,研究的領導人,和幾本書的作者Landscheidt調查 Gleissberg最低。他否決現已證明有缺陷的人類創造的全球變暖的科學,和甚至長期全球變暖本身的概念。
"Contrary to the IPCC's speculation about man-made global warming as high as 5.8° C within the next hundred years," he said, "a long period of cool climate with its coldest phase around 2030 is to be expected."
“相反於IPCC對人為全球變暖的猜測,在未來幾百年高達 5.8 ° C,”他說,“預料有一段長期清涼的氣候與最冷的階段在2030年左右。”
Referring to the sun's cycles, he pointed to their correlation with other periods of prehistory when ice spread across the northern hemisphere. "It can be seen that the Gleissberg minimum around 2030 and another one around 2200 will be of the Maunder Minimum type accompanied by severe cooling on Earth."

A few of the doctor's many papers on the sun's relation to Earth's climate include "Solar activity: A dominant factor in climate dynamics," and "New confirmation of strong solar forcing of climate." Both show the sun's relationship to Earth's climate and abrupt changes in that climate during periods of transition from warming to cooling and back to warming.

It is unfortunate that Al Gore's inconvenient truth turned out to be a fallacy. Global warming is much preferable to the climate the Earth actually seems on the verge of slipping into within a few short years.
Depending on the severity of the Ice Age, agriculture could be severely affected and millions could perish.




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