

US government takes down HAARP website to conceal evidence of US weather modification and earthquake inducing warfare.
Posted by PC
Monday, April 18th, 2011
Translation by Autumnson Blog
HAARP Sea-Based X-Band Radar (SBX) platform

Updated April 21, 2011 – The HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) website has been down for the past 3 weeks. It was ordered taken down by the US government to conceal US weather modification and earthquake inducing warfare activities against foreign states. The HAARP website was publishing very damaging evidence of US military weather modification and earthquake triggering operations against foreign states. HAARP’s waterfall charts and magnetometer charts gave evidence of an ongoing weather war between the United States government and foreign states. The magnetometer presented concrete evidence that HAARP triggered the Japan earthquake and ensuing tsunami.
2011年4月21日更新 - HAARP(高頻有源極光研究計劃)網站在過去3個星期已被關掉,它被美國政府勒令關閉以隱瞞美國人工影響天氣和地震誘發針對外國國家的戰爭活動。HAARP網站刋出非常有損害的證據,有關美國軍方人工影響天氣和地震引發對外國國家的行動。 HAARP的瀑布圖和磁力圖給予美國政府與外國之間持續的天氣戰爭的證據。磁力計提出具體的證據HAARP引發日本地震和隨後的海嘯。(註:但其它種類的HAARP圖並無異常,和HAARP網終於在上週日恢復正常。)

HAARP’s magnetometer can be used to predict as well as give evidence of a HAARP created earthquake. A magnetometer measures disturbances in the magnetic field in Earth’s upper atmosphere. HAARP was broadcasting a 2.5 Hz frequency (the signature frequency of an earthquake) from just before midnight on March 8, 2011 and continued to broadcast the frequency for the entire days of March 9, 2011 and March 10, 2011. The 2.5 Hz frequency continued to be broadcasted and recorded by the magnetometer for another 10 hours the day of the Japan 9.0 magnitude earthquake.

Scientists at the HAARP institute discovered that a 2.5 Hz radio frequency is the signature frequency of an earthquake. Since this discovery the HAARP phased array antennas have been used by the US military to beam the earthquake frequency into the ionosphere and the ionosphere reflects it back to Earth – penetrating as deeply as several kilometers into the ground, depending on the geological makeup and subsurface water conditions in a targeted area.. By beaming the frequency at a specific trajectory HAARP can trigger an earthquake any place on Earth. A short burst isn’t enough to disturb solid matter (the Earth crust) so they keep beaming the 2.5 Hz earthquake frequency for hours or days – until the desired effect is achieved.

The Environmental Modification Convention (ENMOD) prohibits the military or other hostile use of environmental modification techniques. It opened for signature on 18 May 1977 in Geneva and entered into force on 5 October 1978. The Convention bans weather warfare, which is the use of weather modification techniques for the purposes of inducing damage or destruction.

Evidence from HAARP’s own website revealed that the US government was acting in violation of the ENMOD treaty – use of weather modification techniques (HAARP) for the purposes of inducing damage or destruction. HAARP broadcasting data published on the HAARP website coincided with a number of recent major catastrophes such as the 2010 Haiti earthquake, the 2010 heatwave in Russia, the major floorings in 2010 in China and Pakistan and the major earthquakes in Haiti and Japan – all occurred since US president and commander-in-chief of the United States military Barack Hussein Obama took office.

The Japan 9.0 earthquake offered the most damaging evidence of the US government using HAARP to induce major damage and destruction against a foreign state. HAARP’s magnetometer data showed the World that HAARP (jointly managed by the US Air Force and the US Navy) began broadcasting the earthquake inducing frequency of 2.5 Hz on March 8, 2011 and continued to broadcast the frequency for the entire days of March 9, 2011 and March 10, 2011. HAARP wasn’t turned off until 10 hours after the Japan 9.0 magnitude earthquake that was triggered on Friday, March 11, 2011 at 05:46:23 UTC. Smaller earthquakes have continued for weeks without being registered on the HAARP magnetometer. Why? Because, as stated before a magnetometer measures disturbances in the magnetic field in Earth’s upper atmosphere. It is not a seismometer which measure motions of the ground. The magnetometer doesn’t measure seismic activity it measures and records electromagnetic frequencies in the Earth’s atmosphere. HAARP’s antenna array beams the 2.5 Hz earthquake inducing radio frequency into the atmosphere where a magnetometer can record and provide concrete evidence of a US weather modification and earthquake triggering attack against foreign states.


日本宮城縣7.4級強烈地震有人受傷 發海嘯警報

日本東北部8.9級強震引發的海嘯吞沒海邊住宅區 +Haarp圖 (極移影響?)

台灣以東海域6.2級地震 (+HAARP圖)

台灣宜蘭5.7級地震 HAARP網站一日後才可登入 +HAARP 圖

