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The Illuminati, Learned Elders of Zion, Holy Roman Empire & the NWO plus The Simpsons Code. 禍 哉 、 那 些 以 虛 假 之 細 繩 牽 罪 孽 的 人 、 他 們 又 像 以 套 繩 拉 罪 惡 。 說 、 任 他 急 速 行 、 趕 快 成 就 他 的 作 為 、 使 我 們 看 看 . 任 以 色 列 聖 者 所 謀 劃 的 臨 近 成 就 、 使 我 們 知 道 。〔賽 5 18-19〕禍 哉 、 那 些 向 耶 和 華 深 藏 謀 略 的 、 又 在 暗 中 行 事 、 說 、 誰 看 見 我 們 呢 . 誰 知 道 我 們 呢 。〔賽 29 15〕 禍 哉 、 這 悖 逆 的 兒 女 ...要 靠 法 老 的 力 量 ...〔賽 30 1-2〕 禍 哉 、 那 些 下 埃 及 求 幫 助 的...那 作 惡 之 家...〔賽 31 1-2〕那 撒 但 一 會 的 、 自 稱 是 猶 太 人 、 其 實 不 是 猶 太 人 、 乃 是 說 謊 話 的 ...〔啟 3 9〕
九月 30, 2019
Hong Kong Free Press:
The Telegram groups cited by police appeared to have been set up recently, with few followers and were registered using Mandarin - as used in mainland China.
“Can you guys be more professional and use Cantonese romanisation so that this group does not look so fake?” one sceptical Telegram said.
Hong Kong protesters hit back over police claims they plan to ‘kill officers, bomb malls’ on China National Day
The Telegram groups cited by police appeared to have been set up recently, with few followers and were registered using Mandarin - as used in mainland China.
“Can you guys be more professional and use Cantonese romanisation so that this group does not look so fake?” one sceptical Telegram said.
Hong Kong protesters hit back over police claims they plan to ‘kill officers, bomb malls’ on China National Day
30 September 2019
Hong Kong protesters have challenged intelligence presented by the police force claiming that some demonstrators were planning to kill officers, set fires and bomb shopping malls on Tuesday – China’s National Day.
Police Public Relations Branch Chief Superintendent John Tse said during a 4pm press conference on Monday that the force received intelligence that “core rioters” were planning attacks on Tuesday. He presented several posters that he claimed could be found online: “Rioters are planning to do serious damage to shopping malls,” Tse said. “Some shameless people are recruiting those with suicidal thoughts to plan and execute incidents of mass casualties.”
“This intelligence made us very worried. The police hope this intelligence will not become a reality. But we have made all the preparations we can,” he said. Tse added that the risk of Hong Kong experiencing terror attacks remained at a medium level.
The posters Tse displayed were previously reported in pro-Beijing newspapers including Sing Tao Daily, Ta Kung Pao and Wen Wei Po.
Hong Kong is bracing for an escalation of violence as anti-government fanatics are baying for blood in the run-up to the Oct 1 National Day.
Schemes to kill police officers and civilians are being planned and discussed by militant radicals, according to local Chinese-language newspaper Wen Wei Po.
Murder plots include the killing of civilians by rioters masquerading as police officers and the fatal ambushing of officers on patrol.
...See more
However, protesters have questioned the veracity of the intelligence.
A poster showed three Telegram messaging app links, including a personal account – @sishisishi – and a group @sishizhaomu, as well as an information channel, @sishizhaomuzu. All three were registered using Mandarin, the language used by the majority of people in mainland China but not in Hong Kong.
“Sishi” means people who are ready to make sacrifices, whilst “zhaomu” means “recruit” and “zu” means “group.”

The @sishizhaomuzu channel. Photo: Screenshot.
The poster claimed HK$20 million would be given to a person with suicidal thoughts who agreed to cause bloodshed.
The @sishizhaomu group was created on September 25, but the administrator has never spoken in the group. 222 people had joined as of 7pm Monday, but the group was filled with messages from protesters questioning the group’s motive.
“Can you guys be more professional and use Cantonese romanisation so that this group does not look so fake?” one said.
“Stupid corrupt cops – zhaomuzu? Who are you kidding?” another said.
The @sishizhaomuzu channel – for broadcasting messages en masse – was also created on September 25 and only sent one message at around 3pm on Monday. The channel had 143 subscribers as of 7pm Monday.

John Tse. File Photo: inmedia.net.
Reminder612, a channel made by protesters to send out information – with over 130,000 subscribers – said there were rumours that the recruitment accounts asked for personal information from protesters. It requested Hong Kong identity card numbers on the basis that the protesters may be arrested, they said.
In the poster claiming that bombs will be used at shopping centres on Tuesday, the locations of some of the malls mentioned were incorrect.
Protests in Hong Kong have entered their 17th week. They first began with large-scale peaceful protests in June against a bill that would have enabled extraditions to China. But the demonstrations have evolved into sometimes violent displays of dissent over Beijing’s encroachment, democracy and alleged police brutality.
Police have banned a Civil Human Rights Front demonstration on Wednesday, and sent SMS messages to residents warning them of potential unrest.

File Photo: Studio Incendo.
A press release from the government also warned citizens not to participate in any protests: “The dangerous acts of extremely violent protesters have become more severe recently to involve highly dangerous actions such as hurling petrol bombs, setting fires and posing an extreme threat to the personal safety of the public. According to online information, unauthorised public order events are very likely to take place in various districts in Hong Kong, which may cause severe disruptions. Members of the public are reminded to remain vigilant and mind their own safety,” a spokesman said.
Use of force
Meanwhile, the police use of force was questioned at the press conference after a video of police behaviour on Sunday was widely shared.
An officer of the special tactical unit, commonly known as “raptors,” subdued a protester in Admiralty, who was lying on the ground with a bag covering his head.
An officer was kneeling over the protester in a shooting position with a projectile gun. Footage showed the officer appearing to use the protester’s back to support their rifle.
“Why does [the officer] kneel on the protester’s body/arm? Why does [the officer] use the protester as a human shield?” asked Jacky Yu, a writer whose post was shared almost 5,000 times.
Police Public Relations Branch Senior Superintendent Kong Wing-cheung denied that the officer was using the protester as a human shield. He said the officer was very busy, and therefore had to maintain a shooting position whilst subduing the protester at the same time.
“The officer was in a shooting position because there was danger at the scene in front of him,” Kong said.
The force said that 328 canisters of tear gas, 306 rubber bullet rounds, 95bean bag rounds and 79 sponge grenades were fired on Sunday, with 157 people arrested.
Legal action
Questions have been raised over the plight of pro-democracy lawmaker Eddie Chu, who was pepper-sprayed in the face by a police officer in Causeway Bay on Sunday, without any prior warning.

Eddie Chu. Photo: inmediahk.net.
Chu said at a press conference on Monday that he felt difficulty breathing after he was sprayed.
He said he has asked his lawyer to send a letter to the police chief to ask for the details of the officer who sprayed him, and to reveal their code of operations. Chu said he would not rule out filing a judicial review to force the police to reveal the information.
真岳家將獨家宣言 - 我只是一個香港人
真岳巴獨家宣言 - 我只是一個香港人
大家唔需要捐款比我 亦唔需要太擔心
如果大家真係想捐款 可以捐款去612基金或者星火
可以fact check 先
五大訴求 缺一不可
#PPPN #真岳巴 #香港人 #以曝止暴
真岳巴獨家宣言 - 我只是一個香港人
大家唔需要捐款比我 亦唔需要太擔心
如果大家真係想捐款 可以捐款去612基金或者星火
可以fact check 先
五大訴求 缺一不可
#PPPN #真岳巴 #香港人 #以曝止暴
「10.1 多你一個 就好多!」「兄弟爬山,齊上齊落」「遍地開花」「我說勢弱言輕,決不去作無聲」
「10.1 多你一個 就好多!」「兄弟爬山,齊上齊落」「遍地開花」「我說勢弱言輕,決不去作無聲」
路透社︰中國軍方低調增兵香港 人數已倍增至過萬
China ha duplicado sus niveles de tropas en Hong Kong
路透社︰中國軍方低調增兵香港 人數已倍增至過萬
路透社︰中國軍方低調增兵香港 人數已倍增至過萬
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
光復香港 時代革命
國難五金關公部暨國難家書行政總裁暨Facebook Page Manager
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
光復香港 時代革命
國難五金關公部暨國難家書行政總裁暨Facebook Page Manager
此舉卻引發里昂當地球迷不滿,為了表達抗議,他們特別於開賽前在看臺上一同舉起不同顏色的板子,排出一面巨大的「雪山獅子旗」以及「讓西藏自由」(Free Tibet)的標語,企圖影響中國的直播。同時也向賽會表達不滿。根據外媒報導,里昂球迷表示,賽會不能因為遷就中國市場就忽略當地球迷,如果這個行動能有效影響中國的直播,他們不介意持續進行。
「雪山獅子旗」於1912年設計,由十三世達賴喇嘛基於西藏地區傳統而於1918年正式頒布的西藏旗幟,西藏流亡政府亦以此旗為西藏國旗(Tibetan National Flag),是西藏「國家主權」、自由西藏與西藏獨立運動的象徵之一。
此舉卻引發里昂當地球迷不滿,為了表達抗議,他們特別於開賽前在看臺上一同舉起不同顏色的板子,排出一面巨大的「雪山獅子旗」以及「讓西藏自由」(Free Tibet)的標語,企圖影響中國的直播。同時也向賽會表達不滿。根據外媒報導,里昂球迷表示,賽會不能因為遷就中國市場就忽略當地球迷,如果這個行動能有效影響中國的直播,他們不介意持續進行。
「雪山獅子旗」於1912年設計,由十三世達賴喇嘛基於西藏地區傳統而於1918年正式頒布的西藏旗幟,西藏流亡政府亦以此旗為西藏國旗(Tibetan National Flag),是西藏「國家主權」、自由西藏與西藏獨立運動的象徵之一。
【🥊Form 2生句句KO林鄭黑警|中學生罷課集會】
秀茂坪曉麗苑女子墮樓 當場氣絕
黃大仙上邨啟善樓,早上約6時,警方接獲一名保安員報案,指一名70多歲婦人從高處墮下,倒卧地上昏迷。警方及救護員到場, 經檢驗後證實女事主已經死亡。據稱,女事主是長期病患者,警方調查相信案件無可疑,死因有待驗屍確認。
秀茂坪曉麗苑女子墮樓 當場氣絕
黃大仙上邨啟善樓,早上約6時,警方接獲一名保安員報案,指一名70多歲婦人從高處墮下,倒卧地上昏迷。警方及救護員到場, 經檢驗後證實女事主已經死亡。據稱,女事主是長期病患者,警方調查相信案件無可疑,死因有待驗屍確認。
被國際評為 "持槍極不專業" 既光頭黑警,
跟住叫你班弱智送自己仔女返中國讀書 (y)
被國際評為 "持槍極不專業" 既光頭黑警,
跟住叫你班弱智送自己仔女返中國讀書 (y)
(香港對抗共產黨的秘密社團) 珠江宣言 - 全面自治及和平演變
The Blue Sky with a White Sun was designed by Lu Haodong
珠江宣言 - 全面自治及和平演變
Pearl River Declaration
Of Full Autonomy and Peaceful Transition
We are the Pearl River Group (PRG), originally named the Staunton-Gough Group (SGG), so named after 13 Staunton Street, Central, and 24 Gough Street, Sheung Wan –the historic headquarters of the Revive China Society and meeting place of theFour Bandits,who 100 years ago overthrow the last Emperor of China and transformed China into a Republic.
We hereby declare our existence and purpose to the Chinese Communist Party and to the people of China and the World. We are a small group based in South China, with links in Taiwan, Tibet, Xinjiang, Shanghai, as well as across China and internationally.
The roots and history of our Republican society will not be discussed in this document, but we have never forgotten the Republic of China, the Beijing Spring and Democracy Wall Movement, Tiananmen,the Jasmine Revolution of 2011, or any of the struggle for Democracy in China, which is still ongoing. The blood of Tiananmen and the suffering of the heroes of the Chinese Democracy Movement lives on in us,as it does in everyone struggling for Democracy and justice in China, whether in the region or with our allies and friends abroad.
The colors of the PRGare Blue and White, colors which must be reclaimed in the name of Liberty and Justice. They were the colors of the Revive China Society, founded in 1894, the revolutionary group of Sun Yat-sen which overthrew the Qing dynasty and established the Republic of China (ROC), and continue to be used on the flag of Taiwan.
The Blue Sky with a White Sun was designed by Lu Haodong, martyr of the Republican Revolution and co-founder of the Revive China Society with Dr Sun. He was born in Shanghai but his ancestral home and place of passing was Guangdong. He presented the Blue Sky with a White Sun in Hong Kongon February 21st, 1895, to the Society for Regenerating China, founded one year earlier.
When their plans for uprising in Guangzhou were discovered,rather than flee to safety,Lu returned to their base of operations to burn a roster containing important documents and the names of his fellow revolutionaries, and was captured.
Taken for interrogation he refused to kneel before the magistrate who said, “You are a talented young man.Why did you get yourself in trouble that would cost you your life? I feel sorry for you that you don’t value your life,” to which the brave Lu replied:
“China is a vast country and it has the highest population in the world. Poverty is at an extreme because the Qing government is authoritarian and incompetent in foreign policy. My comrades and I planned an uprising with the aim of overthrowing the Qing government and replacing it with a new Republican government. I intended to kill one or two persons like you who serve the Qing government. Now that our plan has failed, I can’t kill you but you can kill me. What’s there to feel sorry about?”
Lu was executed on November the 7th, 1895, and Sun Yat-sen called him “the first person in Chinese history who sacrificed his life for a democratic revolution.”
Black and Yellow are the colors of the Resistance, of the local struggle in Hong Kong and later the region, colors which we ourselves wear on the frontlines and will continue to use. But Blue is the color of the Goal, of Liberty, of Democracy.
Our Group is calling for a much larger struggle that must draw on history, international politics, and look also to the future, and use an appropriate symbology, for symbols are powerful forces both of unification and of opposition.The PRGusesBlue and White,and we call for nothing less than the creation of a Free China, a Democratic China, a Blue China.
We assert that the Hong Kong Police and Communist organizations can only be given one color: Red, the long-established color of Communism and Socialism, the color of the true evil they are serving, the true masters behind the local government, and the color of the blood they beat out of the citizensfor their rule by Terror. Blue for the police only confuses the true struggle that is going on, which is against Communism, Dictatorship, Totalitarianism.
One day, when the transition to Liberty is complete, the establishment of Democracy secure and without threat, we may reclaim the color Red and employ the Tricolor of many Free Nationsif that is the Will of the People. But for now Red is the color of the opposition, of Communism, murder, kidnap, torture, and persecution.We call also for the end of ‘anti-Mainlander’ sentiments among those sectors of the local Hong Kong population that have them. Just as the PRG is calling for far broader goals, so also we are calling for a far broader mindset.
We must remember that no matter how much we have suffered in Hong Kong thus far, it is nothing compared to what the Democratic Mainlanders have suffered.
One death(or eight), one eye, 5 kidnappings, is nothing compared to the deaths, torture, and kidnapping suffered in Mainland China under this cruel regime. We have not given as much blood as Tiananmen, so we must look for friends and allies in the people of China, and not believe the deranged sentiments of the few dedicated Communists among them to be representative of the true hopes and aspirations of an entire population of 1.4 billion, all of whom suffer a far greater repression then our free city has ever known.
We must call to mind Dr. Sun Yat-sen, who wished for the dignity of every citizen of China, not only the Liberty of one small city therein. We must envisage, and struggle for, a new China, a democratic China, where every citizen enjoys the rights, liberties, dignity, civil responsibility and political participation that we strive for, which we want for every people on earth. We must struggle until all people of China are free of the Communist tyranny and propaganda they suffer. Nothing less will safeguard us. There is no liberty and dignity possible for us without a complete transformation of China. 7 million cannot withstand 1.4 billion. A complete transformation of China is the only possibility for safety in the region and perhaps in the world.
And how can the 1.4 Billion people of China be denied their true rights and dignities by a tiny Communist party? 91.6% of China is Han. How can an entire race, and entire ethnicity, be forced to endure such tyrannical rule while the rest of the world enjoys freedom?
No dignity, only humiliation. Think of all the other nations that enjoy liberty, and how small many of them are in comparison with this great country. Image also what a force for good a Democratic China would be inthe world. What a massive addition to the Free World to stand up for Liberty everywhere with their Democratic allies throughout the world.
The Communists and Local Government talk about ending the protests to save the economy. But if tyranny is allowed to reign then the economy will be a crony economy. Do the poor have rights in China? They are crushed, and we will be also. Even therich can be seized under false charges and fleeced of all his earnings in Communist China.
Political safety is a necessary prerequisite for economic safety. The protests are not the problem: Notprotesting is the problem. Not protesting is what allows tyranny to reign unrestrained, as it wishes to, as it demands. Tyranny resorts to violence, so unless you are willing to suffer violence, and battle the violence of assertive tyranny until the entire tyranny is overthrown, then you will never enjoy freedom.
Communism doesn’t deserve power over a single person, let alone a nation, let alone the vast Zhongguowith a population of 1.4 billion. A sick philosophy that always resortsto crushing the individual for the false claim of serving society. Murdering, torturing, threatening the population ‘for the population’. Destroying the people ‘for the people’. Crushing the people ‘for the people’. Denying the common person any say or participation in government ‘for the common person’
Truth and Trust must be fundamental to every society, every relationshipbetween the ruler and the ruled, and the only way to safeguard society is to extend independent political power as broadly throughout that society as is possible, and to do thatin China we must smash the one party dictatorship and overthrow Communism.
Every relationship is a negotiation, with give and take on both sides, including the relationship between a government and its people. The Communist Party of China does not believe in the Consent of the Governed, but rules by the Terror of the Governed, and therefore has no Legitimacy. International standards of Government Legitimacy must be established and enforced. The Communist party’s concepts of the individual, of the state, and of the relationship between them are cruel and unusual, backward and destructive, murderous and pernicious, unholy and sinister.
The Communist Party demands that the relationship between government and people must be a tyrannical one. There is to be no free thought about politics by the ruled. No Free Speech in the population. No matter what the Communist Party does the people must agree and voice their agreement, and any disagreement will earn them physical punishmentor death. This is an unacceptable, infantile, abusive relationship. We are not abused children to be terrified of our government. We are not cattle to be slaughtered and abused by our government.
If a husband beats his wife or a father beats his children then the state steps in. Spouse abuse and child abuse is an unacceptable relationship, and so is population abuse. The violations of the Communists are blatant, widespread, growing and flagrant, and China complains about foreign interference like a child beater complains about state interference. When a child cannot free itself of an abusive parent rescue is neededfrom outside forces, forces which we now beg to save us.
Every relationship is a negotiation,and we refuse the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party. We refuse their governance. And all of China must refuse their governance. A man cannot have a wifeby terror, only by consent. A marriage without consent is void, and is no marriage at all, but a violent captivity.
Likewise a government is invalid which rules by terror and not by consent. This must be established as an internationally enforced standard of law: that no government may exist without the consent of the governed, and that no government may forbid the free speech of its people; no government may prevent its people from voicing their consent or dissent. And, lacking the consent of the governed, an international body will oversee a free election for the establishment of a new government which has that Consent of the Governed.
What makes you our ruler? Armed force? Beatings? Imprisonment? Torture? Murder? Your rule is invalid. You are not our rulers. You are rejected by the people. No validity, only violence. No free speech, only Tiananmen. We reject Rule by Terror, and demand Rule by Consent!
The oath of the Revive China Society of Sun Yat-sen, which launched their complete transformation of China from Hong Kong, included the words “Revive Zhonghua”, and we call for nothing less than the dignity and liberty of the entire Zhongguo.
“Zhongguo”,the Middle Kingdom,is a name that stems back 3000 years, its earliest known use being the famous ritual bronze vessel ‘He Zun’of the Western Zhou dynasty, and is a name that should be beloved to the people of Hong Kong and China –a free China, and which should reverberate throughout the world with historic marvel and as a force of good and democracy and freedomin the world.
The Chinese Communist Party must be replaced and the Republic of China reestablished, and we call upon the CCP itself to partake in this transition peacefully, at its own initiative, and not force its people into a struggle against state powerfor these rights and dignities that it has no right to seize from thepopulation.
Of Cantonese and Hakka descent, Dr Sun Yat-sen move to Hong Kong at the age of 17 and studied at the Mong Kok Diocesan Boys’ School and Queen’s CollegeinCauseway Bay, and earned his license as a medical doctor at the Hong Kong College of Medicine for Chinese, Pok Fu Lam, which later became the University of Hong Kong. On February 20th, 1923, at the University of Hong Kong, Dr. Sun Yat-sen delivered a talkentitled “Why I Became a Revolutionist”,here paraphrased.
“During this visit to Hong Kong I feel as though I have returned home, because Hong Kong and this University were my intellectual birthplace. Where and how did I get my revolutionary and modern ideas? I got my ideas in this very place; in the Colony of Hong Kong. Hong Kong impressed me a great deal, because there was orderly calm and because there was artistic work being done without interruption.”
“I went to my home in Zhongshan twice a year and immediately noticed the great difference. There was disorder instead of order, insecurity instead of security. Each time it was like this, year after year. I compared Zhongshan with Hong Kong and, although they were 50 miles apart, the difference of the Governments impressed me very much.”
He found in Hong Kong that purity was the rule and corruption was the exception, unlike China where the very opposite was true. And the higher up the government in China the more corrupt it was, with Peking being most corrupt of all.
He discovered that the good governments of the West were not simply natural to those places at first, and that the West had suffered just the same corruption and cruelty, but that at some point the Western peoples had decided and declared that they would no longer endure such tyranny, and had risen up to change this corruption and cruelty into Liberty and justice, and he released that China could also rise up and do the same.
“It was necessary to give up my profession of healing men and take up my part to cure the country. That is the answer to the question: where did I get my revolutionary ideas? It is entirely in Hong Kong.”
Hong Kong has changed all of China before and will do so again. We will serve as the light of China to lead their way out of darkness, but China must rise up and follow. Let us all move together towards Freedom, once again, and overthrow those who would call us their leaders but threaten us into lives of fear, lives both cruel and unusual, humiliating and depressing.
Massive surveillance, always and everywhere, murder, kidnap, and torture, fear and trembling, from birth to death, for us and our children; is this the dignity of the Chinese people?The Communistsexpend massive amounts of capital and state resources into repression;capital and resources that could and should be used not to crush the people but to enrich the people.
The state should be transparent to the people, not the people transparent to the state, which has total powers of intrusion. 2 million Uighurs of Xinjiang have been put into “re-education camps” since 2017, undergoing harsh living conditions, torture, and constant political indoctrination to strip them of any attachment of their Islamic faith. Even genetic surveillanceis now being used. And Xinjiang is just the testing ground for a new China, a red China, totalitarian in a way the world has never ever seenbeforeor known.
“Facial recognition, artificial intelligence, and speech monitoring enable and supercharge the Chinese Communist Party’s drive to “standardize” its Uighur population. Uighurs can be sent to re-education camps for a vast array of trivial offenses, many of which are benign expressions of faith. The party monitors compliance through unrelenting electronic surveillance of online and psychical activities. This modern-day panopticon requires enormous amounts of labor, but is serving as a testing ground for new technologies of surveillance that might render this process cheaper and more efficient for the state.”
The Communist government has no right to interfere in the lives of the citizens in the many ways that it does, and that is no true purpose of government at all. The Communists area criminal entity ruling a frightened peoplewith violence. They are a Mafia.
National Security is the excuse the Communists use to destroy the People’s Security. The cockroach is Xi. The cockroaches are the Chinese Communist Party, a group that has killed so many tens of millions of people andcauses the suffering of over a billion. Their death toll is larger than the Nazi Party, and the Free World cannot treat them as any less of a criminal entity and murderous regime.
‘No one can question the leader or political structure’is an unacceptable requirement, and most dangerous form of society, guaranteeing corruption. Compare that with ‘Everyone mustquestion the leader and political structure,’ as in the West, which is its greatest strength: a true and honest understanding of the corruptibility of man and political powers, and checks and balances and transparency built systemicallyinto the political machineryto prevent that corruption of nature from manifesting as corruption in politics, and to discover, expose, andto make it possible topunish it if it does.
pages 9 - 23
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The Pearl River Group will never again use its name on any future document or action, and if anyone ever does use this name then it is not us, but an imposter.
We close by saying that our goals are not only possible, but they are the greatest possibility, the only likely future for China, and the world, but must be sought for and striven for, suffered for and paid for.
The only thing that seems impossible to us is the continued reign of one-party Communist dictatorship. Crushing people ‘for the people’. Kidnapping people ‘for the people’. Torturing people ‘for the people’.
People of China, free brothers and sisters, not only arethere alternativesto the CCP, but those alternatives are the only likely future for China, but must be fought hard for. Let no amount of suffering turn you back.
And Free World, do not turn yourback on the call of the Chinese people for your help. For if we fail and die, and Communismreigns, that you are their next target, or rather, youhave long been their targetwho they have worked long to undermine. Tyranny anywhere threatens Freedom everywhere.Tyranny for anyone will become tyranny for everyone.
The Pearl River Group writes this document in fear of death, kidnap, imprisonment, torture, for a future when society will never again have those fears ever again. Revive Zhonghua! Liberty forZhongguo!Hallelujah! Alhamdulillah
【十多名疑似喬裝警在防暴警護送下離開】 【目擊市民懷疑喬裝警縱火】
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