


Israel suspects Turkey is betraying its military secrets to Iran

DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
August 1, 2010, 8:39 PM (GMT+02:00)

Turkish intelligence chief Dr. Hakan Fidan, a fan of Iran

Ankara distanced itself further from the West last week by signing a pact with Iran for the exchange of intelligence in real time in their offensives against Kurdish separatists. Tehran will maintain a permanent intelligence officers' mission at the Turkish general command's operations department, while admitting Turkish officers to its own high command operations center. debkafile's intelligence sources report that while the exchanges are formally limited to the war on Kurdish insurgents, they are certain to spread to other spheres.
上週安卡拉進一步從西方疏遠自己,與伊朗簽署一項協議實時交換情報,在他們的攻勢針對庫爾德分離主義分子。德克蘭將在土耳其將軍指揮的行動部門,維持一永久的情報人員的任務,而准許土耳其官員進入它自己的高級行動指揮中心。 debkafile的情報來源報告,雖然交流是正式地受制於與庫爾德武裝分子的戰爭,但他們一定會蔓延到其他領域。
Israel is deeply concerned over this and other developments in the wake of the defection of Turkey, its erstwhile strategic partner and long trusted repository of shared military secrets.
以色列對此深表關切和其它發展在土耳其叛逃後,它原先的戰略合作夥伴和長期信任的共享軍事機密 寶庫。
Sunday, Aug. 1, defense minister Ehud Barak told the army radio: "… the nomination in recent weeks of a new chief of the Turkish secret services who is a supporter of Iran worries us." It could result, he said "in the Iranians having access to secret information."
Two months ago, debkafile reported that Turkish prime minister had appointed an avid admirer of Iran Hakan Fidan as new chief of MIT central intelligence agency.
Fidan made friends with Iranian officials during his stint as Turkish delegate to the International Atomic Energy Commission in Vienna and took their side consistently in controversies over Tehran's nuclear program.

It was he who came up with the plan earlier this year for a Turkish-Brazilian initiative to bypass big power diplomacy over Iran and scuttle their plans to place Iran under tough sanctions.

The intelligence exchange pact Ankara signed with Tehran last week added a fresh element to Israel's worries over Turkey's next steps.
