Obama's Hidden Past
Obama's Gay Murders! Another Recent Victim?
2011年11月20日 上午 07:23:29
Translation by Autumnson Blog
There may well be another murder related to Obama's Gay lifestyle. The clandestine reporter 'Ulsterman', who has been publishing disturbing information by a White House insider, has now posted a real cliff hanger that rings very true considering the cold blooded murders of two of Obama's reported gay lovers, as documented and posted last July, on this blog.
好有可能是另一起與奧巴馬的同性戀生活方式有關的兇殺案。 一直在發佈由一位白宮內幕者的令人不安資料的秘密記者”厄爾斯特人“,現已貼出一個真正的扣人心弦消息,那敲响非常真實的考慮,該冷血謀殺案的兩名奧巴馬的據報同性戀戀人,正如在此博客於去年七月記錄及發布的。
Donald Young
It now appears that Obama was discovered having gay sex in a Chicago Conference Center with one of the murder victims, after most of the attendees at the conference had left for the evening.
Here is an excerpt......
下面是摘錄 ......
And then the door opened behind me and I turned around and saw a young tall thin black man looking at me. I recognized the face but wasn’t sure of the name right away, but was pretty sure he was someone important. I told him I was just using the bathroom but knew I must have looked very embarrassed. He just stared at me for what seemed like forever. There was just enough light in that hall that I could see that his eyes were not really “right”. I thought he was probably drunk. Then his eyes seemed to suddenly clear up and become a lot more focused and he looked down at me and he gave a big smile.
He asked me if I was ok. I looked down to his belt which was undone and I could see that his dress shirt was not tucked into his pants. When I looked back up at his face the smile was long gone. He looked really angry at me now. He asked me again if I was ok but he said it in a way that really spooked me. There was something in his voice that scared me. Really bad. And it was at that exact moment I finally recognized his face as the author and political candidate Barack Obama.
I was just about to turn and walk as fast as I could out of the hallway when the door opened wider and another black man’s face poked out. He said, “What the F is going on B?” The guy I now recognized as Obama stepped all the way out of the hall and closed the door behind him, leaving the other man inside the conference room. He asked me again if I was all right. Now he was standing right over me. He smiled again and I noticed one of his front teeth seemed to have a chip in it, or it was a lot shorter than the other one. He must have had work done because the pictures of him today don’t show that. I don’t know why I noticed that so much or why it has stuck with me but it has. And his breath smelled really bad. It made me want to gag it was so bad. I told him I was fine and did a kind of half walk half run down the hall and back into the main lobby. I looked back right before I turned the corner and could make out Barack Obama still standing in the darkness of the hallway looking back at me. It was very very creepy.
I didn’t really make much out of it. I mentioned it in a joking way to some friends that I had interrupted some guys going at it in a conference room but never mentioned the name Obama when I did. Then I forgot about it pretty much until I was watching the news and saw that Obama was running for U.S. Senator. I figured whatever he was doing in his private life was his business though, and didn’t want to make any trouble for him. I actually agreed with his politics and voted for him. If he was gay or bisexual, I really could have cared less. Whatever issues he had with that were between him and his family and none of my business right? That’s how I felt. So I forgot all about what I saw on that night again. And I hardly thought of it when I heard Barack Obama was running for president.
That’s until I heard a news story coming from my television while I was making dinner. A man had been murdered. Shot numerous times at his home. I glanced up at the television and there was the now dead man’s face being shown. He looked older. Heavier. His hair was longer. But it was him. That was the same face that I had seen poke out from the conference room with Barack Obama about ten years earlier.
end of excerpt......
Read the shocking Obama Prophecies of Linda Newkirk at http://www.prophecies.org/ things are about to get bad folks, real bad.......
閱讀 http://www.prophecies.org/馬琳達紐柯克令人震驚的奧巴預言,老友記事情要變得越來越壞,真的壞 .......
美國最新一期《時代》( Time)周刊以母乳餵哺4歲男童為封面引起轟動,絕對吸睛。最新一期《新聞周刊》( Newsweek)不甘示弱,封面以「首位同性戀總統」為標題,並在美國總統奧巴馬( Barack Obama)頭上冠上同志象徵的彩虹光環(圖),雖然內文不是指奧巴馬出櫃,而是指他是首位支持同性婚姻的美國在任總統,但標題被轟太嘩眾取寵和太聳動。
《新聞周刊》現任總編輯布朗( Tina Brown)向來作風大膽,愛透過爭議性封面吸睛刺激銷量。據報,當她看到《時代》以母乳餵哺男童的封面後,即時宣戰:「讓遊戲開始吧!」封面故事「首位同性戀總統」由經常為《新聞周刊》供稿的保守派政治評論員沙利文( Andrew Sullivan)撰寫,他是公開的同志。
「婚姻觀實在 gay到不行」
大選當前,奧巴馬最近公開表態,支持同性婚姻,成為歷任總統第一人,立即在大選掀起一場同性文化戰,共和黨選戰對手羅姆尼( Mitt Romney)則維護男女婚姻,共和黨總統候選人另一參選人保羅( Rand Paul)則奚落「奧巴馬的婚姻觀實在是 gay到不行」。
基佬奧巴馬: 一幅相片由你自己決定
奧巴馬 - 光明會培育計劃的產品?