


De-Arabizing Jerusalem: Biblical “History” Underwrites Israel’s Ethnic Cleansing
現實是,以色列重建七十年來一直從事種族清洗的罪行, 如果不立即制止這罪行,耶路撒冷市將永遠失去其遺產。
The reality is that for seven decades Israel has been engaged in the crime of ethnic cleansing. If this crime is not immediately brought to a stop, the City of Jerusalem will lose its heritage forever.
August 20, 2018
JERUSALEM, PALESTINE — It is 2:30 p.m. on a weekday in Jerusalem’s Old City, and one would expect the stores and restaurants to be open and busy. Standing near one of the first stations along the Via Dolorosa, the final path Jesus took as he carried his cross to his own crucifixion,  I was looking around me and Abu-Shkri restaurant was closing, as were some of the t-shirt and souvenir stores. I turned to one of the shopkeepers and asked him why they were closing so early. “No business,” he replied.

This seemed like an odd thing to say as the street was full of tourists. There were some tourists walking in groups and others walking in pairs or alone. “There are thousands of people here,” I said to him. “Yes, but they don’t stop to shop, not even to look or ask for prices.” He was right. Not a single tourist was stopping. “Look,” he continued after he noticed I continued to stand there, “if you pay attention you will see: the tour guides tell their groups not to buy from the Arabs. So there is no business.”

Ra’ed Saade’s family has been operating the Jerusalem Hotel in East Jerusalem since 1961. The building sits on the corner of Antar Ben Shadad street and Nablus Road, across from the Old City’s beautiful Damascus Gate. It has a long history and it was established as a hotel in the early 1950’s. When Ra’ed remodeled the hotel he had a line from Antar Ben Shadad poems etched on the beds in each of the 14 rooms. The rooms, each one unique, and the entire hotel are decorated in traditional Palestinian style. Ra’ed and I sat in the garden restaurant that overlooks the street and talked; he is a living encyclopedia of Palestine in general and of Jerusalem in particular.

