

病毒來又去 但政府郤不會忘記 如何容易就管控了你們的生活


Yet nobody says a peep about any of the numbers of the other nasty crap we do!!!!  Kinda puts things in prespective now don't it(Thank you Dan Bidondi Live for the first slide on this post.  We better get our heads back in the game and see what we do to our innocent, less fortunate, unhealthy, and sick both mental amd physical.)  And we are up in arms about the cronie virus!!!  Seriously????  I have always questiond a question with another question to get people to think!  Inspire ideas,  and help us all to become better humans.

  And with the scorecard below says we suck as a race!!!!  No wonder most people are misarable with themselves.  Love your brother commandment number 4 of the top ten in his guide book for life!!!  Get in the book folks before its too late for us all!!!!!

And if this post dose not anger you or inspire you to make some changes.  If it dont male sense to you read it again till it dose!!!  I am steaming pissed off i heard rumbleings in the grape vine shit got set back till June now in NY.  Thanks govener como your a govanor not a dictator.  To manage not order this or that.....  I am beside myself as to where the real issues are.

