



以前曾被記錄過新納粹活動和居住歧視的年輕黑人激進主義者羅拔富勒,被發現吊死在洛杉磯郊區的一棵樹上。 洛杉磯縣的警長部門聲稱,死因裁判官的初步調查裁定死亡為自殺,但社區中許多人認為這是仇恨罪。

Young Activist Found Hanging From Tree Near City Hall, Cops Claim It Was Suicide

June 14, 2020

(TMU— Robert Fuller, a young black activist who has previously documented neo-nazi activity and housing discrimination, was found hanging from a tree in Poncitlan Square, a park directly behind city hall in Palmdale, a suburb of Los Angeles. The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department claims that the initial coroner’s investigation has ruled the death to be a suicide, but many people in the community believe that it was a hate crime.

Last Wednesday just before 4 am, someone walking in the area noticed Fuller’s body hanging from a tree and called 911.
The initial statement from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department read:

“On June 10, 2020 at approximately 3:39 A.M, a passerby noticed a male (later identified as 24 year-old Robert L. Fuller) hanging from a tree in the 38300 block of 9th Street East, in the city of Palmdale. Personnel from the adjacent fire station (Station 24) responded and determined the victim was deceased.

Deputies established a containment of the scene and representatives from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Homicide Bureau and the Los Angeles County Coroner’s Office responded to the scene. Although the investigation is on-going, it appears Mr. Fuller, tragically, committed suicide.
A full autopsy is anticipated in the immediate future.”

