


Florida airport could be first in US to ban naked body scanners
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
Translation by Autumnson Blog
(NaturalNews) Air travelers flying out of Fort Lauderdale - Hollywood International Airport (FTL) in Florida may soon no longer have to worry about being forced through the US Transportation Security Administration's (TSA) naked body scanners. CBS 4 in Miami reports that the commission of Broward County, where the airport is located, is considering a measure that would ban the cancer-causing devices from the popular travel hub.
(NaturalNews)飛出勞德代爾堡 - 佛羅里達州的荷里活國際機場(FTL)- 的航空旅客,可能很快就不再要擔心被迫通過美國運輸安全管理局(TSA)的赤裸身體掃描儀。在邁阿密的哥倫比亞廣播公司4台報導, 機場所在的Broward縣委員會正在考慮一項措施,會從熱門的旅遊樞紐禁止該致癌設備。
If the measure is enacted, FTL will be the first airport in the US to officially ban naked body scanners. The commission has rightly stated that the devices have never been scientifically proven to be safe -- and until they are, the machines have no business being in airports where thousands of passengers are exposed to potentially harmful doses of ionizing radiation.
如果措施頒布,FTL將是美國第一個機場正式禁止赤裸身體掃描儀。該委員會已正確地指出,設備從來沒有被科學證明是安全的 - 及直到它們,機器沒有業務在機場,那裡數以千計的乘客暴露在電離輻射的潛在有害劑量。
Just a few weeks ago, the European Commission led the way in protecting citizens by banning backscatter X-ray naked body scanners from most European airports (http://www.naturalnews.com/034213_a...). Though the TSA and its parent agency, the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS), claim the scanners emit minimal amounts of dangerous radiation, there are, again, no studies proving this to be true.

In fact, the TSA has gone out of its way to oppose any independent testing of the safety of the machine, and refuses to conduct its own legitimate safety studies. And yet at the same time, the agency expects the public to just trust its word on the matter, which continues to be the repeated and tired mantra that individuals are exposed to far more radiation every time they get an X-ray or sit on an airplane.

But this irritating, broken-record of a claim is simply not true, and many scientists and radiation experts have come out saying that the machines can cause cell damage and cancer. And since the TSA refuses to release any technical information, details, or test data showing that radiation levels are within the claimed limits, there is no real reason to believe otherwise (http://www.lewrockwell.com/orig11/a...).

A PBS report published earlier this year has already found that, contrary to the TSA's claims, naked body scanners could cause as many as 100 passengers to die every year from cancer. Besides this, the machines themselves are an unconstitutional invasion of privacy, which is a fact that many involved in the argument often fail to address.


大數目的TSA 人體掃描儀操作人員死於癌症、心髒病、中風
