

(英鏈) 好奇至心寒:疾病預防控制中心派遣醫療隊往洛杉磯調查結核病疫情,因為恐懼擴散

Curious to creepy: CDC to dispatch medical team to Los Angeles to investigate TB outbreak, as fears spread
Posted on February 27, 2013
February 27, 2013 - LOS ANGELES, CA - The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is dispatching scientists to Los Angeles to mount a new attack on an outbreak of tuberculosis on skid row. Health workers have identified about 4,650 people who were probably exposed and are trying to track them, according to news reports.
2013年2月27日 - 加洲洛杉磯 - 美國疾病控制和預防中心(CDC)正在派遣科學家往洛杉磯,來備戰在貧民窟的新一輪結核病爆發。根據新聞報導,衛生工作人員已確定可能接觸了的約4,650人,並試圖跟踪他們。

Movie tie in: In the 2005 paranormal movie, Dark Water, eerie things take place after a body is supposedly found in a water tank on the ceiling of an old apartment building. In the movie, the girl was left alone in the abandoned apartment and fell into the water tank, which Veeck had left open.

How did Elisa Lam die .
Los Angeles police are trying to determine if the death of a B.C. woman, missing for weeks before her body was found wedged into a water tank...

Detectives Looking for Missing Canadian Woman .

