

安東尼波登- 又有另一個版本說剛才的照片是假的,自己判斷吧...

[the 1st 2 pics are the fake psy-op] ANTHONY BOURDAIN IS ANOTHER PUPPET. THEY HAD HIM TWEET THAT ABOUT HILLARY FOR THE SET-UP & THE PREPARATION OF HIS PLANNED STAGED HANGING. TO MAKE YOU THINK THERE IS A "DEEP STATE". THE LAST FEW PICS ARE BOURDAINS GIRLFRIEND. Everything Anthony Bourdain Tweeted was a set-up to make you think the Deep State took him out. Hillary, Trump, Anthony Bourdain, Obama, Jay-Z, Marina Abromovic Anthony Bourdains GF Putin Kim Jun Tom Cruise Miley Cyrus etc etc they all just puppets all just different forms of ACTING. getting everything ready for the set-up for the fall. he on a island somewhere drinking mai tais and margaritas with his feet all in the sand somewhere as a retirement package. or they used him for a ritual sacrafice. DONT BUY INTO THE DEEP STATE HILLARY CRAP. THE NEWS LIES ABOUT EVERYTHING, NOT JUST FAKE SHOOTINGS AND OUTER SPACE.


安東尼波登自殺 vs '我有資料可導致希拉莉被捕'
