

林伍德: 我有用盡我的不完美來說出真相嗎? 是的


我總是對的嗎? 不,我不是完美的

我有用盡我的不完美來說出真相嗎? 是的

我被告知當米高弗林參與公眾問答環節時,問題會被預先篩選並且植入一些問題。 這樣的程序帶有宣傳味道,而不是對影響公眾思想的議題作誠實討論

你決定,是你作的選擇。  我祈禱你明智地選擇


I have spent many hours answering questions from We The People. Some who agree with me, some who do not. I have nothing to hide.

Am I always right? No. I am imperfect.

Do I do my imperfect best to speak TRUTH? Yes.

I am told that when Mike Flynn engages in public Q & A sessions, the questions are screened in advance and some questions are planted. Such a procedure smacks of propaganda, not an honest discussion of issues weighing on the public mind.

You decide. The choice is yours to make. I pray you choose wisely.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
