

NASA:如我們所知是人類的末日 (據NASA的未來戰爭文件)

NASA:如我們所知是人類的末日 (據NASA的未來戰爭文件)
NASA: The End Of Mankind As We Know It According To NASA’s Future Warfare Document
Tuesday, June 25, 2013 13:58

This is a very important video with Deborah Tavares and Trevor Coppolo discussing the newly revealed NASA FUTURE WARFARE DOCUMENT. This interview, and others on this topic, need to go viral. People need to be informed– at least given the chance to see this information and make the decision themselves to believe and act on it or not. It is very troubling, to say the least. Below the video is a link to the powerpoint document that you can download.

The document discusses eventually replacing cumbersome humans with robotics and describes humanity as being unnecessary. We humans are too big, too slow and too heavy. It talks about the different technologies that are already being used to control, dumb down and sicken humanity, shortening life-expectancy at the very least. These technologies include cell towers, GWEN towers, smart meters, smart dust and EMPs, among other things. None of these are in place for the benefit of mankind. And slow death from exposure to these technologies is virtually undetectable.

“Humans have taken over and vastly shortened evolution” according to NASA.

NASA FUTURE WARFARE DOCUMENT Deborah Tavares interview with Trevor Coppola (Conspiracy Con 2013) .
NASA未來戰爭文件 德博拉塔瓦雷斯與特雷弗科波拉的採訪(陰謀精讀2013)

Here is the link to download the document

Here is another interview on the subject with Deborah Tavares and Jeff Rense
這裡是德博拉塔瓦雷斯就該主題與Jeff Rense的另一次採訪:

The NASA War Document (Your Silence Is Your Permission) .


!臨界!緊急 緊急 緊急 緊急 使瘋傳

美國公司減少人口與你 - 德博拉塔瓦雷斯 特雷弗科波拉 - 陰謀反對論
