

自閉症香港在世界名列前茅😭😭 1 in 27

1 in 27
Forty years ago in the U.S.A., children only received 5 vaccines: diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, polio, and smallpox vaccines (8 shots total), by the age of two. Now in 2018, children get stuck 20 times by age two, and receive up to 50 ‘immunizations’ before age seven. Children 40 years ago were outside more and definitely less "Sheltered" than today. The increase in the Vaccine schedule has went hand in hand with an increase in Autism, Autoimmune disorders and ADHD. There are two schools of thought on this. One side says that things are simply diagnosed better now. The other side that I subscribe to thinks "Correlation equals Causation". We all have access to information today, do the research. Anything ruled as "Unavoidably Unsafe" comes with a risk. Who is benefiting from this theme of "The Greater Good"? If you follow the money it is Big Pharma and The medical mafia. 😉 Jimmy Ash
