


Monsanto’s Cancer-Causing Weedkiller Found in Popular Children’s Foods
August 16, 2018
(CD) — A study of dozens of popular oat-based breakfast foods delivered sobering news this week when almost all of the products examined by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) were found to contain the chemical glyphosate.

“We’re very concerned that consumers are eating more glyphosate than they know,” said Scott Faber, vice president of government affairs at EWG, in a statement.

Glyphosate is classified as a probable carcinogen by the World Health Organization and was listed last year as a chemical known to cause cancer by California.

Out of 45 products “made with conventionally grown oats,” all but two were found to contain glyphosate. EWG also tested two organic brands, detecting the chemical in five samples.

Thirty-one of the breakfast foods were found to contain levels of glyphosate that were higher than the level that EWG deems safe for children.

Quaker Simply Granola, Giant Instant Oatmeal, Quaker Dinosaur Eggs Instant Oatmeal, and Quaker Steel Cut Oats had some of the highest levels of the chemical.

Monsanto, the maker of Roundup, claims that glyphosate and Roundup are not unsafe for humans—but a jury in California vehemently disagreed with them last week, ruling in favor of a man who blamed Roundup for causing his cancer.

The company was ordered to pay $289 million in damages to Dewayne Johnson, who worked for years as a school groundskeeper in California.

Thousands of farm workers and others who have come into contact with Roundup are reportedly also preparing to take legal action against the company after developing cancer.

In light of the lawsuit and the World Health Organization’s 2015 conclusion that the chemical is a “probable carcinogen,” said EWG on Wednesday, “It is very troubling that cereals children like to eat contain glyphosate.”

【津雲國際】震驚! 美國知名兒童早餐食品含除草劑成分屬“可能的致癌物”
這些產品種的四分之三都超過了美國環境工作組規定的對兒童安全的含量。 草甘膦成分含量較高的產品包括一些大品牌如桂格、家樂氏、生產的格蘭諾拉麥片、燕麥和小吃棒,以及通用磨坊生產的麥片。
一份桂格老式燕麥樣品的草甘膦含量超過1000單位每十億。 美國環保署對農作物如玉米、大豆、糧食和一些水果的草甘膦有一系列安全水平,從0.1到310單位每十億。


上週,美國舊金山一家法院下令孟山都公司要賠償一位46歲的場地管理員約翰遜2.89億美元。 陪審團認為,孟山都公司的農達牌除草劑導致約翰遜患癌症,並且該公司沒能警告他有這種健康風險。

