


Dozens of US Spies Executed in China Thanks to Major CIA Screw Up
16 August 2018
(ZHE) — A bombshell new report in Foreign Policy reveals that up to 30 CIA agents and assets working in China were identified and executed by Chinese counterintelligence over a two year period after the CIA’s encrypted communications system was infiltrated.

The report is based on former and current unnamed CIA officials who were part of the program, which established a network of spies across China. The in-country spies communicated with their CIA handlers via an online system capable of being logged into from any laptop or computer.

But when starting in late 2010 Chinese authorities began to sweep up the network of spies for interrogation and eventual execution, the CIA was “shell-shocked” in the words of one former official, and for eight years a joint FBI-NSA-CIA investigation has sought answers as to what went wrong in what is widely considered “one of the CIA’s worst failures in decades.”

For the first time, it appears answers have been made public. Foreign Policy asks, “How were the Chinese able to roll up the network?” and begins by answering:

中共入侵CIA情報系統 30名在華線人遭處理
August 17, 2018

其它因素也起到了一定的作用,包括中共在同一時間招募了前CIA官員李振成(Jerry Chun Shing Lee)。聯邦檢察官在今年早些時候就此起訴了他。
