Facebook's Push For Users' Bank Records Triggers Fears Of A 'Chinese-Style Social Credit System' In U.S.
Facebook's Push For Users' Bank Records Triggers Fears Of A 'Chinese-Style Social Credit System' In U.S.
Aug. 09, 2018
Our rulers want a world where they can not only turn you into an "unperson" by banning you from the internet but also deny you a bank account and a home if you don't hold the right political views.
Mainstream media, in collusion with big tech, has created a system of public shaming and "de-personing."中國向公民引入“社會信用評分”
In 2015, Paul Joseph Watson wrote about China's social credit score system, asking the question "Could such a system ever take off in America?"
The first step is already complete; Big tech has our personal data.
China introduces 'social credit score' for citizens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8py8fBI7wLY