

'官方'解釋之後太陽黑子天文台之謎深化 - 究竟他們從本地執法部門和公眾隱藏了什麼?

'官方'解釋之後太陽黑子天文台之謎深化 - 究竟他們從本地執法部門和公眾隱藏了什麼?

Sunspot Observatory Mystery Deepens After 'Official' Explanation - What The Heck Are They Hiding From The Local Law Enforcement And The Public?


1 則留言:

匿名 說...

All fake CGI animation/Scandal hoax distracting ppl's attention about some of their military base have weather control system

They shut down the Observatory(even oversea Observatory which nearby US/US allies military base), meanwhile the weather going crazy...

CGI sun eclipse never actually happened in reality(otherwise we wont only got the stupid CGI animation instead of the plebeian real live footage)

All lies just for luring sheep to think in the wrong way and hiding how they playing their weather weapon