加州第一地區上訴法院駁回Meghan Murphy因說“女人不是男人”而被推特永久禁制的訴訟,理據是推特在商業角度本質上並非一個言論自由平台,推特有權審查其認為不可接受的訊息
California court sides with Twitter in Meghan Murphy lawsuit who was banned for saying "women aren't men"
February 18, 2021
The 1st District Court of Appeal threw out Murphy’s lawsuit, seeing merit in Twitter’s argument that it had the right to censor information it sees as unacceptable, and is, essentially, not really in the business of being a free speech platform.
Murphy’s lawsuit tried to make a point of Twitter previously marketing itself as precisely that, and even promising “not to actively monitor or censor user content.” Another argument she made was that Twitter’s business practice was unfair because it gave itself the right to suspend or ban accounts “at any time, for any, or no reason.”
But the California court took Twitter’s side.