

這殺人鯨擱淺,在我住在這裡多年來從未聽過有這樣的事, 我不得不懷疑這是否和8.2級大地震有關

 我侄女在距這裡幾哩外的地方發現這殺人鯨擱淺,在我住在這裡多年來從未聽過有這樣的事。 我不得不懷疑這是否和阿拉斯加外海8.2級大地震有關

殺人鯨看來像是一條幼魚,人們正在往鯨身上倒水搶救。 不幸的是牠因試圖離開沙灘被岩石所傷;  好消息則是潮水快來了

Tara Neilson

My niece Aroon is up here and found this stranded orca several miles from here. In all the years I've lived here I've never heard or seen anything like this. I have to wonder if the 8.2 #Earthquake was to blame. NOAA is on its way to try to save it. #offgrid #Alaska

It looks like it's a juvenile and Aroon says there's no sign of its pod. People are pouring water on it. Unfortunately it's injured itself on the rocks trying to get off the beach. The good news is the tide is coming in.

