

CBS5獨家:亞利桑那州的超自然專責小組 - 納瓦霍族別動隊

CBS 5 Exclusive: Arizona's Paranormal Task Force - Navajo Nation Rangers
CBS5獨家:亞利桑那州的超自然專責小組 - 納瓦霍族別動隊

There is a law enforcement agency in Arizona that actually welcomes claims of the paranormal - ghosts, witchcraft, UFOs and even Bigfoot.
在亞利桑那州有一執法機構,實際上歡迎超自然現象的聲稱 - 鬼、巫術、不明飛行物、甚至大腳八。
CBS 5 obtained hundreds of photos and dozens of cases - strange scenes and sightings in northeastern Arizona.
哥倫比亞廣播公司5獲得數以百計的照片和數十個案 - 在亞利桑那州東北部的奇怪場景和目擊。
Most police won't take reports like this. But about 10 years ago, officials on the Navajo Reservation decided to stop the snickering, to treat these witnesses with respect and thoroughly investigate.
Only one agency - the Navajo Nation Rangers - stepped up to the plate. For the first time ever, they are sharing their documents exclusively with CBS 5 News.
唯一的一個機構 - 納瓦霍族別動隊 - 加強牌匾,作出有史以來的第一次,他們與CBS 5新聞獨家分享他們的文件。
