

西方媒體保持掩蓋極端份子的攻擊 報的話就是政治不正確了


The Politically Correct Western Media Keeps Covering Up Violent Attacks by Extremists

AUGUST 14, 2018
All over the world, specifically motivated arson attacks, shootings, knifings, and gang violence eruptions are occurring. But mainstream media outlets in Europe, Australia, Canada, and the US are reluctant to report the stories without a pro-immigration bias, quietly glossing over the common thread in the attacks. Extremists with ties to Northern Africa seem to be waging a war, but you won’t hear this from the media or the respective governments.

Before someone starts calling me a racist, please understand that in my following report, I am certainly not trying to paint every person who has migrated with the same brush. I’m talking about extremists, and as I’ve written many times, extremists are usually the ones who get all the press. The other thing that is rarely reported on is the families who relocate to another country and embrace the new way of life, becoming valuable members of society. It seems to me that if there weren’t a large number of these people who quietly integrate, we’d be hearing about it.

This is a different story, however. It’s a story about how numerous attacks that have happened in just the past few weeks are being glossed over by the media and the governments of the countries where they happened. https://www.theorganicprepper.com/media-coverup-attacks-extremists/
