


Pictured: U.S. Presidents Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon at the Grove in 1967. Sacrifice at Grove (National Geographic – 1915).

Our Changing World: Sanity Or Absurdity?
AUGUST 2, 2018
Every year, about 42.5 million American adults (or 18.2 percent of the total adult population in the United States) suffers from some mental illness, enduring conditions such as depression, bipolar disorder or schizophrenia. Feb.29, 2014 [1]
One in five teens experiences depression. And depressed kids are at a greater risk for substance abuse and suicide attempts. Jan. 20, 2018 [2]
Recently, some friends and I were discussing how the world is changing, and maybe not for the betterment of the Planet, Humans, the Environment and Wildlife. Each had his/her specific “beef,” but I chimed in with, “Change has been going on for years, we just didn’t have the technology we have today that slams it right in your face.”

However, much of what goes on seems to involve dramatics no one would have thought about divulging in the past, such as creepy, non-sensible ‘art’ and other rituals some question as to their purposes.  Is it shock value, or is it to create memes, which program impressionable individuals that what normal folks think may be off the wall, now have to be considered “politically correct.”

So, keeping that in mind, I got together a ‘rotogravure’ or sorts depicting some of the more ‘interesting’ and lesser known activities that take place, especially by people in high places of science and government.  We have to wonder about their ‘secrets’.

Below is the Bohemian Grove where the movers and shakers of the world (Bilderberg members?) have powwowed each summer for decades.  Here is where ‘leaders’ are designated!

護理火葬(將人獻祭) - 增強畫面
The Cremation of Care - Enhanced Footage
