


Gov. Jerry Brown’s Gay Porn Push In Schools
Aug 06, 2018
SACRAMENTO, CAL. —A column, written by Coach Dave Daubenmire, told about the war we are in, not with opposite political parties or foreign invaders, but “Spiritual Wickedness in High Places,” Yes, it is a spiritual battle between good and evil as The Bible reveals accurately who will oppose us.
Here is the link to Coach Dave’s column which gives full background of this warfare.
So there is no question that California Governor Jerry Brown, a Democrat, better known as “Governor Moonbeam” is a footman for the devil. Exactly the individual described in Coach Dave’s column, that everyone must read, for gaining understanding of what is going on during this time.
At the first of the year, Gov. Brown mandated that, now sit down, all public (govt) schools MUST show Gay Porn….yes, PORNOGRAPHY to grade school kids! And this made California the first in the nation to order ‘Gay’ Pornography to be shown to grade school children. Indeed, no kind of pornography was ever allowed to be shown to school children. But California is advanced dontcha know.
Then on the first of the year, Gov. Moonbeam ordered all California public schools to add lessons about gays and lesbians to Social Studies classes in those pubic schools where you surrender your children every day.
The bills were pushed by State Senator Mark Leno who authored the bills, who himself has lace in his pants.
“Today, we are making history in California,” Leno burped, “by ensuring that our textbooks and instructional materials no longer exclude the contributions of LGBT Americans.”
This daily instruction of our children details, now listen to thisthe various sexual choices a gay person has. Yep they have plenty of choices for sure.  And here is the closing statement: “There is no room for “discrimination” of any kind in our classrooms, our communities, or the state,” said Dean Vogel, President of the California Teachers Association. So there.
We wonder if those LGBT lessons will discuss the one NORMAL activity they include in their sex lives? Again, to them, this is a normal activity. It is called
“Scatting,” where rubber sheets are put on their bed.
