


Beijing Notes Signs of US Decline Behind Bloated New Pentagon Budget
The emerging multipolar global arrangement has convinced observers that the United States is undeniably confronting an inevitable decline in its status as the world’s foremost hegemonic power.
August 17th, 2018
BEIJING – China has expressed serious concern about the new United States military budget, which explicitly notes the U.S.’ “long-term strategic competition with China” as a top priority and raises the government’s annual investment in the military to an unprecedented $716 billion – an exponentially higher budget than that of any other defense department across the world.

The passage of the John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act, or NDAA, authorizes a 2.3 percent boost in military funding — the  U.S. government’s largest-yet war budget. The perpetually swollen U.S. military budget allows Washington to subsidize its massive and highly-profitable military-industrial complex while boosting its power to coerce rivals and wage wars abroad.

Earlier this month, Donald Trump hailed the act as “the most significant investment in our military and our war fighters in modern history.”

“We are going to strengthen our military like never ever before and that’s what we did,” the former reality television host added, noting that armed service branches will have “the finest planes, and ships, and tanks, and missiles” thanks to the NDAA, Trump said.

The act authorizes funding for a large number of top-of-the-line military products, including $7.6 billion for 77 Lockheed Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighters, full funding for the new Northrop Grumman B-21 “Raider” long-range stealth bomber, and 13 new warships – including $1.56 billion for three littoral combat ships, despite the Navy’s only having requested a single one.

China’s Defense Ministry has decried the act as depicting an “exaggerated Sino-U.S. antagonism.” The NDAA includes a number of related provisions that shape foreign policy and stresses the need to boost the capabilities of Taiwan. China sees Taiwan as a breakaway province and has repeatedly stressed that its eventual reunification with the mainland remains a “core interest” for Beijing.

