

再見了,俄亥俄州哥倫布! 現在既然你是“智能城市”,死期不遠了

再見了,俄亥俄州哥倫布! 現在既然你是“智能城市”,那麼每個人和每樣活物都暴露在更有害的輻射和電磁污染之中
Goodbye, Columbus, Ohio. Now That You’re a “Smart City,” Everyone and Every Living Thing Is Being Exposed to Much More Harmful Radiation and Electrosmog.
According to a recent article about Columbus, Ohio becoming a “Smart City,”
…all the grant money in the world won’t help it prepare for the future if the city doesn’t also win over public opinion.
Was the public aware that becoming a “Smart City” required them to be exposed 24/7 to radiation from harmful 4G and 5G small cell towers and related wireless infrastructure and products such as sensors, “Smart” Meters, Electric and Autonomous Vehicles, and more?
Columbus won the award for its plan to remake its transportation systems with smart sensors and electric and autonomous vehicles, and extend its infrastructure to reach residents of oft-neglected low-income communities with commercial corridors and health services.


5G Technology: Potential Risks To Human Health: Excerpts From Scientific Conference

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvPg1AyQ43I https://www.activistpost.com/2018/08/columbus-ohio-smart-city-radiation-electrosmog.html
