


Anonymous Challenges QAnon And The LARP Falls To Shambles
AUGUST 17, 2018
Anonymous is Making the Internet Great Again (MIGA) and bringing back sanity, the international collective of Nyan cats, horse heads and headless spectators are highly upset about a LARP. That all started on 4chan in its decentralized movement’s name and in the words of the hacktivist collective has now “formed into a deformed Alex Jones’ thought bubble” on 8chan.

The video released last week was created in an unusual albeit refreshing classic 2006 style of Guy Fawkes to show the movement is still around and coming for the Qs and its operators.

“I am going to play a little game with him that will make him never want to play with me again,” the video opens up with Oscar the Grouch of Sesame Street.

Then the music comes on and you are greeted with “The Muffin Man” song.. which the collective has since explained its reasoning.

All the little q's are so hurt over a video & the conspiracy of "OMG they're deep state/CIA George Soros reptilians" is their main attack on us, without any proof. Q started as a troll on /b/ but it's brainwashed people with no critical thinking skills. https://youtu.be/vFHzrmk5Md0 
There is a reason we keep refering to "The Muffin Man." He's a baker. He bakes muffins and he doesn't leave a trail of breadcrumbs but gives you all the things: Those things that Q's can't accept -the reality of the trollolol. *note the song in the PR video is "The Muffin Man"

“Q is for qua-qua-  Quidley Quidley Diddley Dee Q is the letter that comes after P. Creatively the hacktivists detail the alphabet, “OpQ” floating in the background, at the beginning of the video. While towards the end of the press release a duck is heard quacking with the words “quack-quack” playing.

Greetings Q,
We are Anonymous.
We’ve been watching the interwebs from deep within our basements, flinging data bits and bytes here and there – living the stereotypical hacker life, you know; eating Doritos and drinking the Dew, (we do the dew – that shit’s trademarked by the way), and we’ve been watching the world burn at the hands of idiots. We’ve slapped around a few people for being ignorant morons, sure – we’re totally not sorry for taking down racist websites or helping antifascist movements, leaking ICE data, and also all the little things we do when people don’t pay attention… Anyhow Q, we’ve been watching you too – and you’re quite funny. We were all like “yo, check this troll out! He has them convinced that he’s on the inside and they’re eating it up like sheep!” We all knew who was responsible for Q, and we thought the insanity would end with a final punch line of lulz – yet u 8 chan freaks never delivered that shit. Nope, you tossed it aside and let it grow into a deformed Alex Jones conspiracy thought bubble. Someone is gonna get hurt, so we have to put our foot down and start some shit with you all, oh kay? We don’t know if you can hang with the real thing, cuz believe it or not – we’re kind of upset that you’d try to even associate yourselves with our decentralized collective. That crazy pedophile conspiracy you Q’s are throwing around while ignoring Trump’s own connections makes us wonder why? Seems you have some kooky political agenda. We don’t like brainless political agendas; hell we don’t even like political agendas at all, so get your asses ready for a thrashing of butt hurt. You got all these foolish people all riled up with no proof, no leaks. We have plans. We will not sit idly by while you take advantage of the misinformed and poorly educated. In our collective we all have our differences and internal drama but we do have one thing in common; none of us are happy with your bullshit. And oh my god, oh no – it’s teh real “Anonymous” they deep state fedz oh my god ohmygod *insert conspiracy* theory omg help. We gonna wreck you. We are Anonymous, We are legion, We do not forgive, We do not forget.
Anonymous Operation QAnon
https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=95&v=vFHzrmk5Md0 https://www.activistpost.com/2018/08/anonymous-challenges-qanon-and-the-larp-falls-to-shambles.html
