

納粹德國的策略是美國當前的暴政和前來中的暴行及危害人類罪的藍圖 -義人將見證難以想像的奇蹟和祝福

 Vladimir Zev Zelenko MD

醫學博士Vladimir Zev Zelenko :

-The tactics of Nazi Germany serve as a blueprint for current American tyranny and up coming atrocities and crimes against humanity.

- 納粹德國的策略是美國當前的暴政和前來中的暴行及危害人類罪的藍圖

-When the vaccinated will be rotting in the streets- the unvaccinated will be scapegoated, discriminated against, dehumanized, and herded into concentration camps. They will be forcibly injected with the same liquid that is causing the vaccinated corpses to rot in the street.

-當接種了疫苗的人將會在街上腐爛的時候 - 未接種疫苗的人將成為代罪羔羊,被針對歧視、被去人化、並且一群群被趕進集中營; 他們將被強行注射造成接種過疫苗且在街上腐爛的屍體的同樣液體

-Fear and isolation has caused mass psychosis. This psychosis is being used by your puppet masters and sheep herders to coercive you into irrational actions that will lead to your death and that of your children.

- 恐懼和孤立已造成大規模的精神病,你的傀儡主人和牧羊人們正在利用這精神病來強迫你做出會導致你和你孩子死亡的非理性行為

The solution is simple. Simply tell them to go “Z” themselves.


Join the spiritual “Z” movement.

-Z end to tyranny
-Z beginning of freedom


-Z 將暴政終結

-Z 是自由的開始

-reject fear and isolation
-say NO to the poison death shot
-prevention and early treatment is key
-civil and non-violent resistance
-they can’t arrest everyone
-sacrifice the conveniences of the present in order to have a future.
-don’t sacrifice your future for the transient present


- 對有毒死亡注射說不


- 公民和非暴力抵抗



- 不要為了短暫的現在而犧牲你的未來

-the righteous are called alive even after they are dead
-the wicked are called dead even while they are living



We are on the verge of a Global reset where Our Creator will be revealed to everyone.


The sociopaths and devolved pagans will be brought to justice.


Turn away from bad, do good, and live.


The righteous will witness unimaginable wonders and blessings.


小編孤陋寡聞, 還未知道 “Z” movement是怎麼一回事, 只找到下面這些資料, 避免墮進邪教只適宜繼續留意更多才能定奪

