


Next 9/11 Revealed In Simpsons?
2012年5月13日 上午 02:46:54
Translation by Autumnson Blog

Many people are aware of the numerous references to 9/11 in movies, and TV shows etc,
shown prior to 9/11/2001:-
在2001年9月11日之前顯示: -
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3WW6eoLcLI "Lone Gunmen" 9/11

9/11, 7/7, and the Oklahoma City Bombing, were all revealed beforehand in so-called "fiction":-
9/11、7/7、及俄克拉何馬城爆炸事件,均在所謂的“虛構小說”事前顯示: -
http://ask.com/web?q=final+jihad+OKC   OKC Bombing and 9/11
http://ask.com/web?q=9-11+Predictive+Programming Movies etc
http://ask.com/web?q=7-7+Panorama+Attack BBC "predicts" 7/7

The most famous example of "9/11 predictive programming" occurred in a 1997 episode of
The Simpsons, called "The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson".
“9/11預測編程”是最有名的例子發生在1997年的森遜家族情節,被稱為“紐約市vs 荷馬 森遜”


Much less well known, is the apparent "predictive programming 2.0" which occurred in a 2010
Simpsons episode, called "To Surveil, with Love".


In this episode, a radiological "dirty bomb" is detonated in Springfield.

This is blamed on "terrorists", despite being caused by the bomb squad, who blow up an
unattended gym bag containing nuclear waste.
The resulting fear, is harnessed to justify the introduction of a central London style
surveillance system, with cameras on every corner.
These themes of false flag nuclear terrorism, followed by a police state, are also the basis
of "Operation Blackjack", and the TV show Jericho:-
這些無旗核恐怖主義的主題,繼而一個警權國家,亦都是“廿一點行動”的基礎,及電視節目傑里科 -
http://tgr.ph/Operation_Blackjack an "entirely fictitious slide show story"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uvd91OU_Jbo Blackjack Full Slide Show

Are we being prepared for another major false flag attack, and has the full date been
supplied within so-called fiction?
Helpfully, "To Surveil, with Love" contains "The Simpsons Doomsday Clock", an obvious
place to look for answers:-
有用地,“以愛進行監督”包含了“森遜家族末日時鐘”,一個明顯的地方來尋找答案 -
It is easy to see the 9/11/01 when the clock is inverted, with the frame supplying a 01,
and a second 01 above the minute hand:-
當時鐘被反轉,這是容易看到9/11/01,用框架提供了一個01,和第二個的01在分針之上 -

Understandably, the clock is more cryptic in its normal orientation, which may
contain new information (see above).

When viewed the normal way up, the clock offers a 6, an 11, and there is a
solitary storm cloud above the 12. The frame also supplies a 10.
So, following Homer's eye line from left to right, 10+10+2 = 22, with a 6 below;
22/6 or 6/22, but what is the year?
因此,隨著荷馬從左至右的視線,10+10+2 = 22,有一個6在下面; 22/6或6/22,但是什麼年呢?
There is also a crucial hidden 2, next to the 10 (see top photo also):-
還有一個隱藏的關鍵2,在10的側邊(看頂部的照片): -
www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXU149Lu26Q the hidden 2 discovered

Using this extra 2, and moving from right to left along the same eye line, on the
clock face = 2 01 2. This generates a full date of 22/6/2012 or 6/22/2012.
使用這個額外的2,和從右到左沿同一視線移動,在鐘面上= 2 01 2。這會產生一個完整的日期22/6/2012或6/22/2012年。
There are multiple year encodes: the year 01 is above the minute hand, when the
clock is inverted, 12 is the number above the minute hand when the clock is the
"right way up".
12 is also highlighted by the storm cloud (a bad omen metaphor), and there are
12 fence posts behind Homer. The bomb is detonated at 5m:52s = 5+5+2 = 12.
12亦被暴風雨雲亮點(一個凶兆比喻),及有12度圍欄在荷馬背後。炸彈被引爆在五分:52秒= 5+5+2 = 12。
Ignoring the clock face completely, and looking right to left at the largest objects,
there are 2 tree trunks, an 01 from the clock frame, and 2 full fence posts on the
left = 2 01 2 = 2012 again.
完全地不理會鐘面,及從左向右看最大的物體,有2棵樹幹,一個來自時鐘框的01,和在左面2度完整的欄柵 = 2 01 2 = 再次是2012年。
The 22/6 attack date is stated in the Operation Blackjack version of this "story",
only the year was missing. 9/11/2001 to 22/6/2012 = 10y 9m 11d.
22/6的攻擊日期是在這個“故事”的廿一點行動版本指定,僅是年期失踪了。 9/11/2001 至22/6/2012 = 10年9個月11日。
Interestingly, the doomsday clock reads 5:55pm, and appears at 5m:55s into the
"To Surveil, with Love" episode. The number 5 has been described as meaning
"fortress of doom" in occult numerology, 555 = triple doom:-
有趣的是,末日時鐘閱讀是下午5時55分,並在“以愛進行監督”劇集出現5分:55秒。 5已在神秘學的數字學中被描述為“厄運的堡壘”的意思,555 = 三重厄運: -
http://ask.com/web?q=A+View+From+Space+Numerology+Guide original missing
http://forum.prisonplanet.com/index.php?topic=177356.0 save if interested.

These clues from The Simpsons, are merely a few of many indicating that a major
false flag attack is planned for 6/22/2012. This article provides a summary:-


Links replacing the article's dead link (1), best evidence in later posts:-

http://forum.davidicke.com/showpost.php?p=1060712014&postcount=27 Blackjack 2012
concen.org/forum/showthread.php?tid=33082&pid=240223#pid240223 duplicate

Operation Blackjack and Jericho describe massive destruction from real nuclear
weapons. The Simpsons dirty bomb scenario seems more likely - plenty of fear/
control, for relatively little death and destruction; martial law made easy:-


Here is the same "story", yet again, in the long running sci-fi series Dr Who,
which aired on 6/21 (Blackjack launch day), with a Titanic 2012 year clue:-

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZ9FzUKP2b8 Predictive Programming in Dr Who (4m)

"To Surveil, with Love" has one final message, for anyone who still believes
that it is pure fiction. It ends with the song "Get Ready For This".




