


This is some strange weather we are having here in Quad Cities Iowa! 55 degrees and still no snow on the ground!
這是我們這裡愛荷華州四城市的奇怪天氣! 55度及仍然沒有雪在地面上!

High-temperature records fall as winter fails to show in the Northland
Published January 06, 2012, 12:00 AM
By: John Myers,
Duluth News Tribune
Translation by Autumnson Blog

We’re nearly halfway through the season and there’s not much sign of winter showing up at all. An entire society geared toward skiing, skating, sliding, shoveling and bundling against life-threatening wind chills has had to adapt to a winter normally seen in places like Des Moines.
John Hietala, 13, of Cloquet wears a T-shirt and shorts while walking home from school in Cloquet on Thursday afternoon. (Clint Austin/ caustin@duluthnews.com)
Cloquet的13歲約翰 Hietala穿上T卹和短褲,星期四下午從 Cloquet的學校走回家。 (奧斯汀克林特/ caustin@duluthnews.com)

Many of us in the Northland consider winter to last from about deer season to the state hockey tournament — November through March. For the National Weather Service, winter is officially December through February.
許多我們在北地的人認為冬天會從鹿季延至州曲棍球邀請賽 - 從11月至三月。對國家氣象局,冬季是正式從12月至2月。
Either way you figure it, we’re nearly halfway through the season and there’s not much sign of winter showing up at all. An entire society geared toward skiing, skating, sliding, shoveling and bundling against life-threatening wind chills has had to adapt to a winter normally seen in places like Des Moines.
•On Thursday, the high hit 48 degrees at Duluth International Airport, breaking the previous record of 40 set in 1984 and a whopping 25 degrees above normal. It was the second record-warm day of the season, following 43 degrees on Dec. 26. Those are highs not usually seen here until April.
The high at the harbor was 45.
•In the Nation’s Icebox at International Falls, the high hit 46 on Thursday, smashing the previous record of 36. Temperatures reached into the 50s in Cloquet, Moose Lake and Aitkin.
•Snowfall for Duluth is more than 2 feet below normal for the season — only 11.9 inches compared to the 37 inches that should have fallen by now. A whopping 54 inches had fallen last year by this time. There’s no sign of any significant snow in the forecast until late next week.
•德盧斯的降雪量超過 2英尺,低於正常季節 - 只有11.9英寸相比於現在應已經降下的37英寸。異常的54英寸在去年這個時候已降下,沒有任何預測會有重大降雪直到下週晚些時候。
•Temperatures have been averaging 7 degrees or more above normal for the season, and Duluth is in its seventh straight month of above-normal temperatures.

•There’s officially only 2 inches of snow on the ground at Duluth International Airport. That compares to 15 inches on the ground at this time last year.

Temperatures will hit the upper 30s again today, but brace yourself for a “cold’’ snap over the weekend with high temperatures only in the upper 20s —only 10 degrees above normal.

Whether this is all good or bad depends on your point of view, of course.

“This is killing me. We get paid by the snowfall and it’s just not happening,’’ said Greg Carlson of Carlson Lawn and Landscape in Duluth. In a snowy winter like last year, residential snowplowing is 20 percent of his annual business. “Now I’m just wishing for an early spring.”

Carol Christenson, warning coordination meteorologist for the National Weather Service in Duluth, said this was going to be the winter she took up cross-country skiing in addition to the snowshoeing she likes to do. Now, that doesn’t appear likely.

“I’ve noticed that there are two types of people around here: Those that want or need snow and those who are very pleased with the warm, snowless winter,’’ she said. “I’m in the first group and so are my two kids. My husband is in the second group.’’

The wimpy winter has been a blessing for equipment repair, salt usage and overtime budgets of the agencies in charge of clearing our snow. Minnesota Department of Transportation highway crews are instead clearing culverts and trimming brush and trees, said Beth Petrowske, spokeswoman for MnDOT in Duluth. The money saved in winter doesn’t necessarily save taxpayers any money because the crews stay busy. But it does mean more summer work may get done, and it means the state has to buy less salt to melt ice off the roads.

“Especially after last winter when our plows were just going, going, going, this has been a good chance to get caught up,’’ Petrowske said. “The two big budget items we are saving on are fuel and salt. And we do save some on overtime pay, although it’s not that much.”

Some long-term forecasts are showing a dip below zero and an arctic blast by about Jan. 12. There’s also a chance for some accumulating snow by Wednesday. Still, the national Climate Prediction Center is still calling for above-normal temperatures for the region through the next 30 days at least.

The Northland isn’t alone in our lack of snow and warmth. Phillyweather.net is reporting that only 21.7 percent of the U.S. has snow on the ground now compared to 48 percent at this time last year and 58 percent in 2010.

The dearth of snow so far this winter follows a dry Northland autumn, and now “large sections of north-central and northeast Minnesota are said to be undergoing Severe Drought or Moderate Drought,’’ said Greg Spoden, Minnesota state climatologist, in his recap of December weather in the state.

Though the impacts won’t be seen until spring, Spoden said, “Without ample, widespread precipitation in the late winter and early spring, Minnesota will face a number of drought-related issues at the beginning of the 2012 growing season. The drought situation will become rapidly apparent in the spring in the form of deficient soil moisture supplies and low water levels in wetlands, lakes and rivers.’’

Anyone looking for colder weather needs only to drive up the North Shore. The high in Two Harbors was 39. Grand Marais remained in the 20s all day Thursday.


香港今年的冬天反常得令人吃驚 (更新)

