

全球主義者拔科尼2012 上的插頭,帶著壯觀的失敗和燒傷 (蕾哈娜中招自辨)

Secrets KONY 2012 Is Desperate to Hide
(整個Kony 2012運動是為了幫助奥巴馬的好友索羅斯,以正義之師的姿態去染指西烏干達的石油。)

Rihanna - Talks 'Kony 2012' - Why She Got Involved - (Access Hollywood Interview Part5) - 2012
蕾哈娜 - 談“科尼2012” - 為什麼她參與了 - (Access好萊塢訪談第5部分) - 2012

全球主義者拔科尼2012 上的插頭,帶著壯觀的失敗和燒傷
Globalists Pull Plug on Kony 2012 with Spectacular Crash and Burn
Tony Cartalucci, Contributing Writer
Activist Post
Friday, March 16, 2012
Translation by Autumnson Blog

Over the past week, as Invisible Children and their corporate sponsors performed desperate damage control, ties between the alleged "charity" and the US State Department, Wall Street speculator George Soros and his Open Society Institute, and a myriad of corporate-funded foundations began surfacing and spreading just as quickly as their documentary Kony 2012 rose to fame.
Image: (via Infowars) A visual representation of Invisible Children's true backers and master minds. They will gladly shed their front group in the name of self-preservation and making a clean escape.

Perhaps most importantly, the term AFRICOM began gaining wider notoriety as did the mission of AFRICOM - the neo-colonial plundering of all of Africa. And as this single backfiring propaganda stunt threatened to unhinge a continent-spanning corporate-military industrial campaign, the plug was abruptly pulled with news of Invisible Children's director Jason Russell being arrested for lewd behavior in public.
也許最重要的,美國非洲司令部的名字開始獲得更廣泛的惡名,同樣是非洲司令部的任務 - 全個非洲的新殖民掠奪。及當這單一的逆火宣傳噱頭揚言要拉開一項橫跨大陸的軍工企業的工業運動,看不見的兒童的總監Jason Russell因為公眾地方猥褻行為被捕,隨著這消息插頭突然被拉走。
Image: The coat of arms of the British South Africa Company (BSAC) - a predecessor of modern neo-imperialism. The BSAC was a company chartered by the British Empire, lent the resources and capabilities of the Empire, to help loot the natural wealth of Africa. This mirrors exactly AFRICOM and the legion of corporations and NGOs carrying out the modern-day looting of Africa. Note the terms "justice" and "freedom" used upon the company's coat of arms. Clearly masking exploitation with good intentions is nothing new.
圖片:英國南非公司(BSAC)的紋章 - 現代新帝國主義的前身。 BSAC是一間由大英帝國特許的公司,借出帝國的資源和能力,以幫助掠奪非洲的自然財富。這正是非洲司令部、企業和非政府組織的軍團的寫照,實行在非洲的現代掠奪。注意“正義”和“自由”的字眼用於該公司的紋章上,世上無新事它明確地以良好的意圖遮蓋著剝削。

The growing legions of critics and skeptics arrayed against this latest Wall Street-London psychological operation will undoubtedly seize this irresistible bait laid out, either by chance or by design, to focus on finishing off the already mortally wounded "Invisible Children" organization. It is already turning out to be a spectacular crash and burn.
However, the focus must be maintained on the mechanics behind Invisible Children, the fact that they are backed by USAID and that they participated in the US State Department's Alliance for Youth Movements (Movements.org) summits which laid the groundwork years in advance for the US-engineered "Arab Spring." It must also be remembered that while they pretend to be a movement of the people, Invisible Children is in fact backed by Soros-funded foundations, JP Morgan, Chase, and others.
And as satisfying as many will find it to stomp Invisible Children out of existence for intentionally misleading them, preying on their emotions, insulting their intelligence, and literally lying to them, they must remember that all they've managed to do is hack away but a tentacle of a much larger monster. While we have a firm grip on Invisible Children, let's pull up the whole monster from its murky lair.

Let us expose the International Criminal Court and its fraudulent head, Luis Moreno-Ocampo who enthusiastically supported the fraud that is Kony 2012. And the Hollywood propagandists who abused their fame and the misplaced trust of millions to promote Invisible Children, as well as other, more established but equally fraudulent NGOs like Soros-funded Amnesty International and the Neo-Con run Freedom House who skillfully rode the wave of publicity Invisible Children created, but ran concurrent anti-Kony/pro-AFRICOM invasion campaigns of their own, safely isolated from what they knew was experimental, unpredictable, and potentially disastrous propaganda.
As the plug is pulled on Invisible Children, the system will gladly sacrifice an easily replaceable tentacle in exchange for its overall self-preservation. Do not allow the writhing tentacle pulled into the boat distract us from the grander prize at hand.


KONY 2012 (對抗國際第一號罪犯)



科尼2012 - 瘋傳的光明會宣傳

匿名 - 科尼2012 警告

科尼2012監督Jason Russell 的著魔怪行 - 赤身隨街跑大叫跪拜
