


Mikhail Gorbachev Says Occupy Wall Street Signals an Emerging New World Order
By VC |
October 22nd, 2011
Translation by Autumnson Blog
As the Occupy Wall Street movement continues, some unlikely faces appear supporting the movement and some even more unlikely scenarios are presented as “solutions”. While most protesters call for the return of grass-roots democracy and the stop of the unlawful rule of international banks, you have figures working for the exact opposite – a big, fat, socialist world government – supporting the movement. George Soros and Mikhail Gorbachev, two of the world’s most vocal elite globalists, have indeed been working for years for a New World Order and everything it implies.
正當佔領華爾街運動繼續,一些不可能的面孔出現​​支持該運動,和一些更不可能的方案被提出作為“解決方案”。儘管大多數抗議者呼籲回歸草根階層民主和停止國際銀行們的非法统治,你有的數字正好相反 - 一個既大且胖的社會主義世界政府 - 支持該運動。喬治索羅斯和戈爾巴喬夫,兩個世界上最直言不諱的全球化主義者精英,已為新世界秩序確實工作多年及它意味著的一切。
Is OWS trapping people in Hegelian dialectic, where supporting the protesters becomes supporting a New World Order? Here’s what Gorbachev said during on October 20th at Lafayette College.
“We are reaping the consequences of a strategy that is not conducive to cooperation and partnership, to living in a new global situation. The world needs goals that will bring people together. Some people in the United States were pushing the idea of creating a global American empire, and that was a mistake from the start. Other people in America are now giving thought to the future of their country. The big banks, the big corporations, are still paying the same big bonuses to their bosses. Was there ever a crisis for them? . . . I believe America needs its own perestroika. The entire world situation did not develop properly. We saw deterioration where there should have been positive movement.

My friend the late Pope John Paul II said it best. He said, ‘We need a new world order, one that is more stable, more humane, and more just.’ Others, including myself, have spoken about a new world order, but we are still facing the problem of building such a world order…problems of the environment, of backwardness and poverty, food shortages…all because we do not have a system of global governance. We cannot leave things as they were before, when we are seeing that these protests are moving to even new countries, that almost all countries are now witnessing such protests, that the people want change. As we are addressing these challenges, these problems raised by these protest movements, we will gradually find our way towards a new world order.”
- Lafayette College website


Vatican Dedicated to Luciferian World Gov't.
October 25, 2011
[The Vatican] plan would destroy national sovereignty ... It is Hegelian dialectics at its best. They are aiming for Marxism from both conservative (Catholic) and liberal (new age, Democrats, Occupy Wall Street) sides. The synthesis is unavoidable.
[梵蒂岡]計劃將毀去國家主權...這是黑格爾辯證法最好的時刻。他們的目標是馬克思主義,從既保守(天主教)至自由主義(new age、民主黨人、佔領華爾街)雙方,合成是難免的。

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使命 戴起你的V煞面具,心念一致,推翻這個極權政府。



