

奧巴馬 - 伊朗的“最後機會”抑或戰爭迫在眉睫

Obama - Iran "Last Chance" or War is Imminent
奧巴馬 - 伊朗的“最後機會”抑或戰爭迫在眉睫

US Navy deploys 2nd aircraft carrier to Gulf
Associated Press –
20 hrs ago
Translation by Autumnson Blog

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — The U.S. Navy said Monday it has deployed a second aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf region amid rising tensions with Iran over its disputed nuclear program.
阿拉伯聯合酋長國迪拜(美聯社) - 美國海軍週一表示,它已部署第二艘航空母艦往波斯灣地區,正值與伊朗的緊張局勢升溫就其有爭議的核計劃。
The deployment of the nuclear-powered USS Enterprise along with the Abraham Lincoln carrier strike group marks one of the few times the Navy has had two aircraft carriers operating in waters near the Persian Gulf, said Cmdr. Amy Derrick-Frost of the Bahrain-based 5th Fleet.
“核動力的企業號聯同亞伯拉罕·林肯號航母戰鬥群的部署,標誌著幾次之一海軍已有兩艘航空母艦在波斯灣附近水域,總部位於巴林的第五艦隊的司令艾米德里克 - 弗羅斯特說。
The two carriers will support the American military operations in Afghanistan and anti-piracy efforts off Somalia's coast and in the Gulf of Aden, she said.
The warships also patrol the Gulf's strategic oil routes that Iran has threatened to shut down in retaliation for economic sanctions slapped on the Islamic Republic because of its nuclear program, which the West suspects aims to develop nuclear weapons.
Iran denies the allegations, and says its program is solely for peaceful purposes.

The deployment of a second aircraft carrier is "routine and not specific to any threat," Derrick-Frost said. She did not say how long the Navy will keep the increased military presence in region.

The U.S. had two carriers operating in the region in June 2010. Two carriers were also deployed in March 2003 during the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq and in February 2007 in support of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The Enterprise is based in Norfolk, Va. It was the Navy's first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier and is now on its last mission.

The Enterprise was commissioned in November 1961. The carrier is scheduled to be deactivated this fall.





