

全球變暖危言聳聽者又一次被現實踢爆- 企鵝、北極熊、喜馬拉雅冰川和北極海冰全都興盛

Global warming alarmists debunked yet again by reality
Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, April 16, 2012
Translation by Autumnson Blog

Even as climate alarmists amplify their call for a worldwide tax on carbon dioxide emissions in the name of preventing global warming – penguins, polar bears, Himalayan glaciers and Arctic sea ice are all thriving.
即使當氣候危言聳聽者以防止全球變暖名義,為一項世界性的二氧化碳排放稅項放大他們的呼龥 - 企鵝、北極熊、喜馬拉雅冰川和北極海冰全都興盛。
With dire proclamations of ice free Arctic summers vehemently debunked, the latest data indicates that both wildlife and the environment in earth’s coldest regions has not experienced the catastrophic devastation predicted as a result of man-made climate change.
Forecasts that Canada’s polar bear population would significantly decline due to global warming have been proven completely inaccurate. The latest study shows that the Hudson Bay area polar bear population has remained steady at around 1000 – the same number found by a 2004 study, confounding the “doom-and-gloom” predictions of environmentalists about the demise of the polar bear (which) have failed to come true,” reports the Canadian Press.
預測加拿大的的北極熊人口將顯著下降,由於全球變暖已被證明是完全失實。最新的研究顯示,哈德遜灣地區的北極熊數量一直仍穩定在1,000頭左右 - 同樣的數量發現於2004年的一項研究,困惑了"環保人仕有關北極熊消亡的前景暗淡預測,那已未能成真,“加拿大新聞報導。
“We are not observing these impacts right at this moment in time. And it is not a crisis situation as a lot of people would like the world to believe it is,” said Drikus Gissing, Nunavut’s director of wildlife management.
“我們並未在這個時刻觀察到這些影響,而它不是危機處境正如很多人想要世界相信它是," 努納武特地區的野生動物管理總監Drikus Gissing說。
Meanwhile, “A new study using satellite mapping technology reveals there are twice as many emperor penguins in Antarctica than previously thought,” reports Live Science.
Using state of the art technology that can single out penguins from other birds, researchers counted almost 600,000 penguins around the coastal regions, almost double the previous estimate of 270,000-350,000.
But it’s not just wildlife that is contradicting the claims of climate change alarmists, the environment itself is not behaving as global warming data models predicted.
Satellite data produced by French researchers shows that glaciers in the western Himalayan region are “putting on mass” rather than melting completely as doomsayers had warned in a 2007 UN IPCC report, which claimed that most of the region would be ice free by 2035.
Despite the findings, BBC News, an ardent promoter of climate change propaganda, blamed the thickening of the glaciers on man-made global warming. When the earth last showed similar activity back in the 1970′s, the same scientific establishment which now pushes anthropogenic global warming blamed the changes on global cooling.
New research from the Arctic’s Bering Sea also found that ice is thickening.
“The amount of floating ice in the Arctic’s Bering Sea – which had long been expected to retreat disastrously by climate-Cassandra organisations such as Greenpeace – reached all-time record high levels last month, according to US researchers monitoring the area using satellites,” reports the Register.
“在北極白令海的浮冰數量 - 長期以來一直被氣候卡桑德拉組織例如綠色和平等預計災難性地後撤 - 上個月達到全時間的高紀錄水平,根據利用衛星監測該地區的美國研究人員,”登記冊報導。
The article points to a 1999 Greenpeace prediction that sea ice in the area “could vanish altogether,” another piece of alarmist propaganda debunked by reality.
Despite a multitude of data that continually serves to eviscerate the pseudo-science behind man-made global warming, illustrating again that the earth has gone through natural warming and cooling cycles since its very genesis, climate change snake oil salesmen like NASA’s James Hansen, who this week will call for a global tax on CO2 emissions, continue to ignore real science in pursuit of their political agenda to exploit heartfelt environmental concerns for profit and power.




NASA - 海洋暖流造成來自南極的大部份冰損失

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