


Iran buys US wheat again, trade set to grow: US export sources
Sat Mar 17, 2012 11:8AM GMT
Translation by Autumnson Blog
Iran buys US grain for the first time in three years.

The US says Iran has purchased 60,000 metric tons of American wheat, reopening grain trade ties between the two countries amid Washington’s tough sanctions against the Islamic Republic.

According to a Reuters report published on Friday, it is the first time in three years that Iran has purchased US wheat. The industry sources said Iran was close to completing purchases of another 220,000 metric tons to be shipped as early as April, and in talks with exporters to buy another undisclosed amount.
The price tag for the 400,000 metric tons of grain -- 180,000 confirmed and 220,000 yet to be formally declared -- could be around USD 160 million, export sources said.
40萬噸糧食的標籤價格為 - 180,000噸確認和220,000尚未正式宣布 - 可能是一億六千萬美元左右,出口消息來源說。
Trade sources said grain giants Cargill Inc. and Bunge Ltd were the likely suppliers to Iran.

The two companies were also major sellers of wheat to Iran three years ago when Iran, normally self-sufficient in wheat, bought nearly 7 million metric tons on the world market, including 1.8 million metric tons from the United States.

Iran has purchased some 2 million metric tons of wheat from several origins since February in an effort to build its food stockpiles.


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