

守望者為2012年4月的集體呼喊 (長片)

以利秋的葡萄園 Autumnson's Vineyard

The Watchmen's Collective Cry for April 2012

A collaboration of 20+ Watchmen & women who are all getting the same message from the Holy Spirit at the same time: Huge catastrophes and natural disasters are about to hit the planet, namely both the East and West Coasts of the United States - then SOON after these events happen, the "catching away" (1 Cor.15:52, 1 Thess.4:17) of the Bride of Christ occurs.
USE DISCERNMENT when listening to these dreams, check everything with the Lord yourself and the Word of God. Look up brothers and sisters in Christ!

合共20+名守望者和婦女,他們全都在同一時間得到來自聖靈的同一訊息:巨大的災難和自然災害差不多要擊中地球,即美國東、西岸兩地 - 然後在這些事件發生後不久,基督的新婦“被 提 到 雲 裡”(哥 林 多 前 書15:52,帖 撒 羅 尼 迦 前 書4:17)會發生。
