

你曾以為全球主義者要放棄(Q匿名不斷發出的消息)? 帝國反擊來了

你曾以為全球主義者要放棄(Q匿名不斷發出的消息)? 帝國反擊來了
Did You Think The Globalists Were Going to Quit? The Empire Strikes Back

Against overwhelming odds, Donald Trump is elected. But theres is a lot more to this story than meets the eye.

Donald Trump has not defeated the globalists, the people have. The people have and it is in the name of Jesus Christ. The seeds for the common people’s final victory have been sewn. In the short-term, Donald should be considered to be the manifestation of the people’s will. Therefore, Trump’s victory over Clinton was divinely anointed by the Lord. Final victory will be ours. The question remain, how much pain will have to endure on the way to final victory as the Empire Strikes Back? It would appear that the Deep State is going pull out out all the stops.

