世三戰戰線畫出:俄羅斯和中國的Vostok-18演習是一項遠征北約的綵排? 意味著他們針對美國的一個事實聯盟
World War 3 Battle Lines Are Drawn: Was Russia And China's Vostok-18 A Dress Rehearsal For Conquering NATO? Signified Their De Facto Alliance Against The United States
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VOSTOK-18 was a joint Russia-China exercise, signifying de facto alliance against the United States. Russia and China conduct many joint military exercises. Their nuclear collaboration began February 2001 in a combined nuclear war scenario against the U.S. over Taiwan. The Sino-Russian Friendship Treaty (July 2001) promises their military cooperation “will further strategic stability and security around the world.”
VOSTOK-18, though conducted in Siberia, may well be full-dress rehearsal for conquering NATO, practicing new nuclear warfighting techniques. Siberian operations are harder for the U.S. to monitor, so new strategies and tactics can be exercised secretly.