You Couldn't Make This Up Dept.: "There's a Monolith on Mars' Moon, Phobos"
June 08, 2010

美國宇航員巴茲奧爾德林,是第二位在月球上行走的人,提到在火星的衛星火衛一探測到一龐然大物。在一美國有線電視頻道他說:“我們應該訪問火星的月亮,那裡有一件龐然大物 - 一件非常不尋常的結構在這小馬鈴薯狀的物體上,它每隔7小時繞著火星走一轉。'當人們發現這他們就會說:“誰放它在那裡呢?誰放它在那裡呢?“嗯宇宙放它在那裡,或者你選擇上帝把它放在那裡。” 在2007年,加拿大航天局資助一項研究,為一項無人駕駛任務往火衛一稱為質(火衛一勘測與國際火星探測)。
Phobos is a vastly promising location for future exploration. The moon itself has long been an anomaly; its orbital characteristics suggest it may be hollow. More aggressive speculation suggests that Phobos may in fact be a derelict spacecraft of the "generation ark" variety described by science writers such as Isaac Asimov. Unexplained surface features such as the numerous converging grooves, together with the conspicuous monolith-like formations, pose the possibility that Phobos harbors uneroded structures deserving of close attention.
Lan Fleming a NASA imaging specialist who has interest in Mars and other solar system anomalies. Lan looked at it and upon further examination and study concluded, that the monolith was a physical anomaly on the surface of Phobos.
The building-sized monolith is the main proposed landing site because scientists believe the object is a boulder exposed relatively recently in an otherwise featureless area of the asteroid-like moon. PRIME investigator Dr Alan Hildebrand said it could answer questions about the moon's composition and history. "If we can get to that object, we likely don’t need to go anywhere else," he told his science team.
