Lord Rothschild fund joins World Gold Council to put £12.5m into BullionVault
An investment fund backed by Lord Rothschild has joined the World Gold Council to put £12.5m into BullionVault, the online gold investment platform.
一個由羅富齊勳爵支持的投資基金,己加入世界黃金協會,存入BullionVault一千二百五十萬 英鎊,那網上黃金投資平台。
By Garry White
Published: 11:26PM BST 20 Jun 2010

對黃金的投資需求已上升,因關注到主權債務問題可能蔓延 圖片:EPA
Tim Levene of Augmentum Capital, a fund backed by Lord Rothschild's RIT Capital Partners, said the investment was not a bet on the gold price but on "the future growth of the BullionVault platform", which stores physical gold for private clients in London, New York and Zurich. RIT currently has 9pc of its assets in physical gold.
一個由羅富齊勳爵的RIT公司資本合夥公司支持的基金碩資本添列文,投資不是賭黃金價格,而是在“BullionVault平台的未來增長,”,它為倫敦、紐約和蘇黎世的私人客戶保存實物黃金。 RIT公司目前擁有其資產的 9% - 實物黃金。
Investment demand for the metal has risen on concerns that sovereign debt problems could spread and the value of currencies plunge. The gold price hit a new nominal all-time high above $1,260 on Friday and analysts expect the price will continue to rise.
In return for the £12.5m investment, the World Gold Council and Augmentum will receive an equity stake in BullionVault.
Marcus Grubb, managing director of investment at the World Gold Council, said taking the BullionVault stake was part of the Council's strategy of "increasing its portfolio of successful platforms for gold investment". Mr Levine and Mr Grubb will join BullionVault's board.
BullionVault has about $800m (£540m) of gold under management for 20,000 customers from more than 90 countries. The average holding is around £30,000.
The World Gold Council's previous investment vehicle, a gold exchange-traded fund, now has 1,306 tonnes of the metal under management, worth $52.3bn. This makes it the world's second-largest exchange-traded fund. If the fund was a central bank, it would be sixth largest in the league table of gold holders.