Understanding The Signs Of The Time – Predictions for the Near Future
June 6, 2010
by pakalert

By Paul A Drockton M.A.
The Illuminati are a very superstitious bunch that prefer that their events line up not only numerically, but also with the planets and stars. With that in mind, this should be a very interesting couple of months. The following planets are expected to move very close together in the months of July and August:
Mars火星: Named after the god of War. In ancient Babylon it was known as the “Star of Death”. The Planet was named after Nimrod, the ancient anti-Christ that built the tower to heaven. He was also known as the great tyrant. Nimrod founded Assyria as a military dictatorship. He also founded Babylon. In modern discussions, Assyria is often associated with Russia and Communism.
Venus金星: Named after Isis. Who was named after Semiramis, the wife of Nimrod and the Goddess of Babylon. Also known as the “Great Whore” in the Bible because of her aberrant sexual lusts and proclivities. In modern discussions, Babylon is often associated with the the United States and Western Europe.
Saturn土星: Saturn is named, in Greek mythology after Kronos/Chronos, the Titan that was banished by Zeus. He was the god of Time. In more ancient civilizations, the six pointed star was the symbol of Set, the Egyptian god of evil. The Hebrews referred to him as Satan. Thus, Saturn is the planet that represents Satan and the forces of chaos/destruction.
I quote from Helen Blavatsky, noted Occultist: “It may be easily proved that from time immemorial Saturn or Kronos, whose ring, most positively , was discovered by the Chaldean astrologers, and whose symbolism is no “coincidence,” was considered the father of Zeus, before the latter became himself the father of all the gods, and was the highest deity. He was the Bel or Baal of the Chaldeans…Now we have to remember that Siva and the Palestinian Baal, or Moloch, and Saturn are identical;
These planets are coming together in the night sky over the next few months. In the first week of August, they will “converge” at their closest points.
Possible prediction based on the above:
1. This would be an ideal time for the Illuminati to start the war between Babylon (The forces of Western Culture) and Assyria (Russia and its allies).
2. Israel’s assaults on the “flotilla” could be laying the groundwork for a “False Flag” in the United States during this convergence, that will be blamed on Iran. This would tie into the vision I saw of a large nuclear device exploding in Phoenix Arizona. Phoenix, by the way, is symbolic to the Illuminati. Their motto is “Order from Chaos”. The “Firebird” or Phoenix, is a mystical bird that bursts into flames at the end of its life and then is reborn from the ashes. I also saw a dirty bomb explode in Detroit. Detroit, of course has a very large Arab population.

The events I saw were real, but I was not given a timeline. The theory I presented above is based on my own research and analysis.

Predictions for the Near Future:
Some of what I write is from Inspiration and some from Observation. There is no order or timeline here.
1. I saw a massive volcano form in Mexico that drove the inhabitants Northward into the United States.
2. World War III will start in the Pacific. The forces of Islam, Buddhism and Shintoism are being manipulated by the Illuminati and their Jewish Allies into a war with the so-called Christian nations.
3. The United States will be attacked on all four borders. The Russians will come from the North and the Atlantic. The Chinese will come from the West and South with their Central and South American Allies. The massive wave of illegals has been encouraged by Traitors and the Satanists to alienate Central and South America from the United States. When the invasion comes, it will bring with it the armies of South and Central America.
4. I saw race riots in our cities between blacks and whites. I saw race wars between Hispanics and Blacks and Hispanics and Whites.
5. I saw a nuclear explosion in Phoenix Arizona that was created by the Traitors and Satanic Psychopaths as a pretext for war with Iran. I saw a dirty bomb explode in Detroit. In a surprise attack, Russian submarines launched nuclear missiles against US cities and military installations.
6. I saw that the Conspiracy set up its new world headquarters in Israel and withdrew its wealth from the nations of Europe and the United States. This concentration of gold and silver is what will lead the armies of Russia and China to send a massive amount of ground troops to invade Israel. I saw that the great evil will be cleansed from among the people.
7. I saw the leaders of the conspiracy in the United States and Europe quietly withdraw into their places of retreat, both underground and to Israel.
8. I saw that the global elite viewed the catastrophes as a huge blood sacrifice to Satan and that their manufactured events would follow the Occult global calendar. This is the sign.
9. I saw that World War III would cause chaos and race rioting and all nations would dissolve into anarchy.
10. I saw plagues decimating the population that were designed by evil men. One in particular caused purple blotches with a red center and a white pustule. I believe it was a lethal combination of plague and smallpox.
11. I saw an American Resistance army emerge that was not controlled by the Illuminati. I saw that they added to their forces daily and were effective, through sabotage and guerilla attacks, at slowing down the enemy occupation. This group operated under military law and treason was punished by death. I saw that they also targeted politicians and others that had assisted the enemy in their preparations.
12. I saw Utah cleansed of its adulterers, adulteresses, pedophiles, homosexuals, narcotics, liars and thieves. This came about through earthquakes, occupying forces, plagues and other judgements. I saw that some of the righteous had gathered to places of refuge before this cleansing. When they re-emerged, they established a government that was founded on sound Constitutional Principals and run by righteous men.
13. I saw that the Native Americans and the American Resistance joined forces with this new government in the center of the land, and that their combined forces were sufficient to push back the enemy on all fronts. I saw that they were assisted by angels and the judgements of God.
14. I saw that, when the work of destruction had been completed in this land, that the small percentage of whites and blacks that had survived were in the minority. The new majority of Native American populations were converted in a day, after their work of bloodshed and retribution for all past wrongs, was completed.
15. I saw that these men then established peace in the land. Under the inspiration of the Almighty, they built Holy cities and Temples throughout the land.
16. I saw the Ten lost Tribes of Israel emerge from obscurity and establish themselves on the North and South American Continents. I saw that true Christianity was their religion, and Jesus Christ their God.
17. I saw the earth transformed into a “Garden of Eden”. I saw plants and trees return to their previous condition before the fall. I saw that their fruit was much larger and much more nutritional to both body and Spirit. I saw strawberries the size of the human fist and grapes as big as plums. These were delicious beyond description. I saw that grains were harvested and re-harvested from the same plants without damage. I saw that both animals and man were herbivorous and lived off the fruit of the field.
18. I saw that animal products such as wool and milk were freely given and that the land overflowed with both milk and honey.
19. I saw that the snake lost its bite and venom, the scorpian its sting, and that nothing in nature was at enmity with man.
20. I saw that gold was used for paving the streets, and that precious stones were used to decorate the gates of the cities. No man sought to excel above his brother. I saw that covetousness, greed, anger, hatred, and lust were done away with. All men contributed for the benefit of the whole.
We will shortly pass under a darker cloud than any of us are expecting. This has the purpose of cleansing the land from all of its polutions and abominations. Once the evil and wicked men are no longer on the earth, Satan will be bound and we will look at the present difficulties as merely a necessary part of our mortal experience.

2 則留言:
2010 7月 20日, 星期二 阿布月齋日 紀念毀滅猶太聖殿
2010 8月 15日, 星期日 聖母升天節 瑪麗的聖體被“接到”天上
2010 9月 9日, 星期四 歲首節(Rosh Hashanah) 猶太新年,提
2010 9月 18日, 星期六 希伯來贖罪日(Yom Kippur) 提市黎月[7月]的第十天,猶太教曆中最隆重的一天, 在猶太教堂中進行齋戒、祈禱
2010 9月 23日, 星期四 住棚節(Sukkot)(第一天) 棚舍節。紀念以色列人逃出埃及後, 在沙漠流浪40天,建造臨時帳篷
2010 9月 29日, 星期三 住棚節(Sukkot)(最後一天)
2010 9月 30日, 星期四 猶太教聖會節(Shemini Azereth) 住棚節的第八日,即最後一日
2010 10月 1日, 星期五 托拉節(Simchat Torah) 慶祝公眾閱讀猶太聖經《托拉》一年完畢, 標誌閱讀週期的開始
2010 10月 5日, 星期二 共和國紀念日 1910年建立葡萄牙共和國, 從而結束了兩個世紀的皇室君主統治)
2010 10月 31日, 星期日 夏令時間結束
2010 11月 1日, 星期一 萬聖節 紀念基督教諸聖人
2010 12月 1日, 星期三 重新獲得獨立紀念日 1640年自西班牙統治下重新獲得獨立
2010 12月 2日, 星期四 獻殿節(第一天 (光明節)紀念 公元前162年,在馬加比戰役中猶太人戰勝敘利亞人,實際慶祝猶太教的倖存
2010 12月 8日, 星期三 聖母無沾成胎節 紀念上帝之選擇馬利亞懷其兒子耶穌
2010 12月 9日, 星期四 獻殿節(最後一天)
2010 12月 17日, 星期五 猶太教曆四月初十齋