食品法典委員會 2010年計劃
Economic Collapse 2.0 - The Coming Food Crisis - Part 10
經濟崩潰 2.0 - 接下來的糧食危機 - 第10部份
Barry Soetoro,騙子主管,
Barry Soetoro, Imposter in Chief,
Implements CODEX ALIMENTARIUS by Executive Order in the U.S.!Contributed by Eyes For You (Editor)
2010年6月16日 上午 12:01:31
View: Editor's biography

We knew that CODEX was right around the corner, and here it is, live and in color. Barry Soetoro, AKA Barack Hussein Obama, Imposter in Chief, on June 10, 2010, issued an Executive Order – Establishing the National Prevention, Health Promotion, and Public Health Council. In short, the CODEX council. The entire Executive Order is attached, but please read this part and understand just what it is saying:
我們知道食品法典曾在街角和這裡它是了,生活化和右顏色。巴里Soetoro,外號奧巴馬騙子主管,在2010年6月10日發布一項行政命令 - 建立國家預防、促進健康和公共健康委員會,簡言之,食品法典議會。整份行政命令附此,但請閱讀和理解這部分它說什麼:
“Section 6 (g) contains specific plans to ensure that all prevention programs outside the Department of Health and Human Services are based on the science-based guidelines developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention under subsection (d) of this section.”
In other words, ALL prevention programs, even those outside of the umbrella of the Department of Health and Human Services, must align with CDC guidelines, which are “science-based.” What do we take for prevention? Herbs and vitamins. Herbs that you grow in your backyard and vitamins that are not approved by your doctor do not fall under these “science-based” guidelines, and are not allowed. Therefore, this will effectively open the door to outlawing ALL disease prevention practices that use herbs and vitamins not prescribed by a doctor, and implement CODEX ALIMENTARIUS right here in the good old U.S.A. Thank you, Semra Orhon Hughes, for the heads up!
Here is the entire Executive Order:
行動警報 - 食品法典委員會會議
Action Alert - Codex Conference
Please send this URGENT message to US Government leaders to protect your right to know which foods are made from genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Send an email today to the Secretaries of State (Clinton), Agriculture (Vilsack), and Health and Human Services (Sebelius).
They must stop US negotiators at an international (Codex) conference from May 3-7, from pushing an agenda that could make it difficult for anyone, anywhere in the world to label foods as genetically modified (GM) food—or even make non-GMO claims on their product’s label.
他們必須停止美國談判代表於 5月3-7日一在國際(食品法典)會議,從推動議程那可能難倒在世界上的任何人、任何地方,去在他們的產品的標籤上標明轉基因(GM)的食物,或甚至是非轉基因宣稱的。
The US is taking the ridiculous and unscientific position that GMOs are not different from conventional foods, claiming labels that say GMO or non-GMO are misleading.
If they succeed at the meeting, the US may then file lawsuits through the World Trade Organization against any country that implements mandatory labeling of GMOs, or even allows non-GMO claims on packages.
This is a grave threat to the Non-GMO Tipping Point—We must push back now!
The growing evidence and concern about health dangers of GMOs is making waves. A renowned US Medical organization (American Academy of Environmental Medicine) called on doctors to prescribe non-GMO diets for all patients. Consumers are seeking non-GMO brands, and the fastest growing claim among store brands in 2009 was "GMO-Free" (Neilson Survey). The trade journal Supermarket News predicts GMO concerns will erupt this year, specifically because consumers are now given choices by the new Non-GMO Shopping Guide website, and the new, and the Non-GMO Project’s third-party verified standard for making non-GMO claims.
Most Americans (53%) say they would avoid GMOs if they were labeled. But even 5% would likely be enough to create a tipping point of consumer rejection, forcing all GM ingredients out of our food supply.
We can see the tipping point just over the horizon, but it is now threatened by the US position at Codex.
Tell our government leaders that you will not stand for this outrageous obstruction of our democracy and human rights. Demand that the US support the right for countries everywhere to label GMOs. And remind them that 9 out of 10 Americans want mandatory GMO labeling, and that President Obama actually made a campaign pledge to implement it—which are all waiting for.
Codex Alimentarius 的主要七点
Alimentarius 法例
The Simpsons Code
醫改法案:奧巴馬的政治豪賭? 誰獲益誰埋單?
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