

Elenin:彗差直徑200,000+公里:地球在赤道的直徑? 12,756.32公里

Elenin:彗差直徑200,000+KM:地球在赤道的直徑? 12,756.32 KM
Elenin: 200,000+ KM Coma Diameter: Earth's Diameter at Equator? 12,756.32 KM
2011年8月4日 上午 07:54:02
Translation by Autumnson Blog

Diameter of coma of comet Elenin exceeded 200,000 km
What is the diameter of the earth?

The diameter of the earth at the equator is 7,926.41 miles (12,756.32 kilometers).

From: geography.about.com/library/faq/blqzdiameter.htm

A few hours ago I got the first original comet images in FITS format, taken on August 1 (many thanks to Karl Battams, STEREO team member). Several frames were damaged, but the team believes that they will solve this problem at the next session. I stacked all images by the comet movement, this has increase the singnal/noise ratio, see the comet with more “details”.

So, the first results. The comet has grown. Now the diameter of it’s outer coma exceeded 200,000 km! Of course, at this time we have only low resolution images, but they still allow us to estimate its current size. I want to remind you that the outer coma, it’s very discharged gas envelope, not the nucleus itself, estimates of the nucleus size has not changed. On the picture below you can see the comet itself, as well as the angular size of the Sun, if it was located at the same distance as comet. Impressive?


NASA 後立體聲的彗星Elenin影像 及木星土星所受影响
