

德國邊境的捷克城市Novy Kostel發生什麼事?四天一萬次地震!

德國邊境的捷克城市Novy Kostel發生什麼事?四天一萬次地震!
What is happening In Novy Kostel, Czech Republic by Germany border? 10,000 Earthquakes in 4 days!
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Translation by Autumnson Blog

It seems something is happening in the Czech Republic, close to the German border. The town of Novy Kostel has had 10,000 earthquakes in 4 days time.
看來有些事情在捷克共和國發生,靠近德國邊境的Novy Kostel鎮在4天時間已有一萬切地震。
Is a new volcano coming up?
The Czech Geophysics site has recorded them all.
Here is the map where Novy Kostel is located - it is the marked spot
這裡是Novy Kostel所在的地圖 - 標記了的點
Here is the information the Czech Geophysics site has regarding the 10,000 earthquakes:

The activity started in the evening of 23 August and is almost continuous till now (27 August morning). Almost 10 000 events were recorded in total up to now. Already eight M>3.0 events and hundreds of M>2.0 events occurred.

Here are the pictures showing the seismos and all the quakes they have up

So what exactly is happening?

This is an area to watch what happens. I wonder if Germany will be affected at all, since it is so close to the border?

