

號外:伊朗和以色列被抓 - 核攻擊策略中合夥

號外:伊朗和以色列被抓 - 核攻擊策略中合夥
Breaking: Iran and Israel Caught – Partnering in Nuclear Attack Ploy
by Editors Gordon Duff
and Jim W. Dean,
with Mike Harris
Thursday, October 27th, 2011 |
Posted by Gordon Duff
Translation by Autumnson Blog

Tel Aviv and Tehran Clergy in Oil Price – War Scare Fraud …Iran Nuke Arsenal Exposed
石油價格中的特拉維夫和德黑蘭神職人員 - 戰爭恐懼欺詐 ...伊朗核武庫暴露

Whose Fortunes Will Be Sunk in the Persian Gulf ?

The news has been filled with stories of plans by Israel or the US to bomb Iran. There was recently a series of accusations made against Iran involving the assassination of Saudi and other diplomatic officials.
These accusations were quickly discarded by most press organizations as “far fetched” but, for some reason drew responses from the US, France and others, responses that were “non linear” at best.
Why would President Obama threaten Iran over accusations that all the networks said were nonsense?
Now, sources in Iran, at the highest levels, along with sources in the US and Britain, fearful of a “scam gone awry” tell of an extraordinary plot that is ready to unfold.
Secret contacts between Prime Minister Ahmadinejad, Ayatollah Khameni and counterparts in Israel, Russia and Turkey have been uncovered outlining a plan to stage an attack on Iran by Israel with full permission of the key groups within the leadership of the Iranian government and the clerics who oversee them. Members of opposition groups who have learned of this plan are livid.
The attack, scheduled for any day now, has one primary purpose.
It is meant to stabilize both the Iranian and Israeli governments, both of which have strong opposition at home and face charges of corruption and to correct major regional financial disaster each confront.
The “deal” between Israel and Iran is much closer to something out of the Sopranos than normal international relations.

This is pure “mob rule.”

Americans note that gasoline prices, recently at $4.50 per gallon, now approach $2.99 despite the continuation of artificial price supports due to illegal market speculation.

Gas price manipulation bankrupted the auto companies and has bled trillions of dollars out of the American economy that, not only destroyed our balance of trade but has lowered our standard of living.
This manipulation has been to prevent downward pressure on oil prices from three major market forces.

Will We Get the Old Gas Prices Back at This Critical EconomicTime - Or Will We Get Raped Instead?
我們將會在這關鍵的經濟時刻否回到舊的天然氣價格 - 抑或我們被強姦?

1) There has been an 8% decrease in demand for oil and other petrochemical products worldwide, causing massive downward pressure on oil prices.

Price platforms that had been over $150 per barrel (2008) with current futures trading up to $120 per barrel while actual sale prices according to Platts Marketscan are at $86.00 per barrel less discounts of up to $8.00.

Corrected prices based on actual supply and demand would have oil at or below $60 per barrel and gasoline on the American market at $1.79 per gallon and on most European markets at E .79 per litre including all applicable taxes and fees.

The truth about supply issues has been suppressed. Not only is demand down but supply is skyrocketing.

2) Recent discoveries in the Eastern Mediterranean and West Africa/Cameroon place available reserves at nearly 40% higher than estimated 3 years ago.

Accurate reporting of these reserves would make oil futures virtually worthless, something that in a normal world would be of interest to the Securities and Exchange Commission. Now its “big oil’s” time for its own “pump and dump” in the futures market. With this comes more powerful political backing for this crazed and apocalyptic scheme.

3) New gas pipelines have broken Russia’s stranglehold on the market for natural gas and will push costs and profitability in that commodity through the floor.

For more please click:

號外:Alex Jones 大型警報:奧巴馬和以色列要與伊朗開戰!





以色列vs伊朗:導彈攻擊一步之遙; 轟炸伊朗,俄羅斯和中國將會報復

美國 /伊朗的緊張局勢是人工的?

