


Anti-Obama ad: 'Gather your armies'

6/14/10 3:29 PM EDT

Gather your armies

Alabama Republican congressional candidate Rick Barber is encouraging his fellow tea party activists to “gather your armies” against President Barack Obama — with a campaign ad that twice shows a hand fidgeting next to a Revolutionary War-era pistol.
阿拉巴馬州共和黨國會議員參選人里克巴巴在鼓勵他的同胞茶葉會積極分子,去“聚集你的軍隊”反對總統奧巴馬 -- 以一個競選廣告兩次顯示一隻坐立不安的手,在一支革命戰爭時期的手槍旁邊。
In the new ad, Barber is seen sitting around the table with actors playing George Washington, Benjamin Franklin and Sam Adams.
The ad opens with a shot of the pistol sitting on a table and Barber saying he would “impeach” Obama.

“Today we have an Internal Revenue Service that enforces what they call a ‘progressive’ income tax,” Barber tells the assembled Revolutionary heroes in what appears to be an empty bar.

As the camera pans toward the gun again, Barber says: “Now this same IRS is going to force us to buy health insurance, cram it down our throats or else.” Pointing to a copy of the Constitution, Barber says, “Now, I took an oath to defend that with my life, and I can’t stand by while these evils are perpetrated.”

“You, gentlemen, revolted over a tea tax! A tea tax! Now look at us,” he says before asking “Are you with me?”

The camera then turns to Washington, who says, “Gather your armies.”

Barber recently secured a spot in a July 13 runoff against Martha Roby, the winner of which will take on incumbent Rep. Bobby Bright (D-Ala.).

Roby nearly secured the 50 percent needed to win the primary and is the favorite headed into the runoff.
